News in brief

Students have chance to win funding

Three Queen’s students have made the top 80 for Samsung Mob!ler, a contest for Canadian university students to fund an initiative of their choice. The contest aims to help students pursue their passions related to technology.

Film student Brody Hatch, ArtSci ’14, is one of the students. Hatch must make it into the Top 20 to receive funding for his initiative — the Focus Film Festival, a video-creating contest that gives groups 72 hours to write, shoot and edit their film to be screened by a panel of judges.

Hatch said he believes the added funding could create greater marketing opportunities for the event and give opportunities to all those interested in the initiative.

With eight days left of the competition Hatch encourages students to support himself and fellow Queen’s students, Shayan Jawaid, Comm ’14, and Aditya Varambally, ArtSci ’14.

— Rachel Herscovici

AMS to release new online systems

A new system will enable students to apply for volunteer and paid positions with the AMS online.

The AMS human resources office and the information technology office worked together throughout the summer to develop the new online system, which is expected to be implemented in January 2013.

Real-time feedback will available on the status of a student’s application with the new system.

“It’s far more environmentally sustainable to do it online when we receive over 2,000 [applications] during our spring and fall hiring periods,” Tristan Lee, AMS vice president of operations said.

The AMS hopes that the new system will allow advertisements for these positions to be easily spread, enabling more students to get involved. The team is also implementing another online system, which will allow students to book rooms in the Student Life Centre (SLC) online.

The new system cost $3,000 and will allow students to be more efficient in booking without having to email the SLC offices beforehand.

— Rachel Herscovici and Vincent Matak

Tricolour Outlet, Common Ground and Alfie’s undergo changes

Patrons of Tricolour Outlet and Common Ground will notice changes in the offerings of the campus spots.

Tricolour Outlet redesigned their marketing strategies to make it easier for students to shop with them. Customers can now buy items from all the parts of the shop at one customer service counter. Additionally, a second entrance has been opened and has allowed for a more spacious outlet and easier shopping. According to the AMS, the rebranding also aims to consolidate the three seemingly unrelated services the company provides.

Tricolour also enhanced their clothing line, bringing back traditional styles. This new “retro” line is said to have been sold out multiple times.

“We brought a lot of that Queen’s spirit and heritage into the store,” Becky Rose, Tricolour Head Manager said. Common Ground and Alfie’s both updated their menus and marketing campaigns. Both have taken feedback from students to meet their needs and give them the best service possible.

“It’s kind of a nice thing that CoGro is student run because we know what students want,” Mackenzie Goodwin, Common Ground head manger, said. “We’re trying to solidify the business and be more efficient and consistent.”

— Rachel Herscovici

AMS, News in Brief

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