News in brief

Research institute ready

The Canadian Institute of Military and Veteran Health Research is now operational at Botterell Hall. The institute, co-founded by Queen’s University and Royal Military College of Canada (RMC), will facilitate research in the field of military and veteran health.

The institute’s director, Alice Aiken, said the opening symbolized Canada’s commitment to military and veteran health.

The institute was launched as a result of the sold-out Military and Veteran Health Research Forum hosted by Queen’s and RMC last year. This year’s forum which runs from Nov. 14 to 16, will feature Lt. Gen. The Honourable Roméo Dallaire as a keynote speaker. It will be hosted once again by both Queen’s and RMC.

— Jordan Ray

Cape Town deal re-solidified for law students

A deal between Queen’s and the University of Cape Town (UCT) will allow law students from the South African university to study in Kingston.

UCT can now send one full-time equivalent student to Queen’s every year, while in return Queen’s can send up to three students on exchange.

A previous exchange agreement allowed for two Queen’s students to study in South Africa each year but didn’t include spaces for UCT students in Kingston. Now UCT students can enrol at Queen’s for either the fall or winter semesters.

Queen’s expects the first UCT law student in January 2012.

— Jordan Ray

News in Brief

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