Others reallocated

In addition to the Kingston Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG), the Levana Gender Advocacy Centre and EQuIP, two other student groups were removed from their Grey House space by the AMS.

The Queen’s Students for Literacy club has been located in the Grey House for two decades.

Director Liz Peredun said she re-ratified the club on time this year, but in June she was informed that the club would be relocated from the Grey House.

“We were told that there [were] construction issues with the building,” Peredun, ArtSci ’13, said.

The club occupied an office on the third floor of the Grey House.

“We were told that it wasn’t safe, some sort of problem with the rafters in the building,” she said. “They told us it was dangerous for us to be up there.”

Peredun said the group was against the move to the new space allocated to them in Macgillivray-Brown Hall.

“We were sort of just asked to leave the Grey House and not really told why,” she said. “They haven’t really [made it] clear what they’re doing with the Grey House itself.”

AMS Vice-President of University Affairs Kieran Slobodin said the third floor of the Grey House was only ever meant for light storage.

The space in Macgillvray-Brown Hall is better for community-oriented groups like Queen’s Students for Literacy, Slobodin, ArtSci ’12, said.

“They have not filed a complaint,” he told the Journal via email. Decisions regarding the occupancy of the Grey House have not been finalized, Slobodin said.

Queen’s Helping Hands, a non-specialist charity group didn’t re-ratify as an AMS club and on Sept. 15 club members were notified that Helping Hands no longer qualified for club space.

“No one ever told us,” co-chair Natalie Corneau said, adding that neither her or co-chair [Natalie Lui] received emails concerning re-ratification over the summer.

Corneau said Helping Hands has no problem re-ratifying as an AMS club, but members weren’t adequately informed about the process.

“If we had known, we would have done this on time,” Corneau, ArtSci ’12, said.

Unlike OPIRG and the Levana Gender Advocacy Centre — groups that were given the chance to re-ratify last week — Corneau said she was told this wasn’t an option for Helping Hands because the re-ratification deadline passed.

Queen’s Helping Hands has had an office in the Grey House for at least three years, Corneau said.

AMS, Grey House, Helping Hands, Levana, OPIRG, Students for Literacy

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