Petition targets Plummer and team

Following former team TNL candidate Nicola Plummer’s ratification as vice-president of operations-elect on Sunday, a petition has circulated calling to remove her, Eril Berkok and TK Pritchard from office.

Plummer was ratified as the incoming vice-president of operations at a special AMS Assembly on Sunday, with 37 members in favour and three against in a roll call vote.

Plummer was nominated for the position on Thursday following former BGP vice-president of operations-elect Peter Green’s resignation due to conflicts with his teammates.

The application of section 2.02.03 of the AMS Constitution, which grants executive members the opportunity to appoint another executive in the case one member resigns, was granted in Plummer’s case.

“In situations where we don’t have policy (this has happened repeatedly), we have to interpret the spirit of the policy,” Mira Dineen, current vice-president of university affairs, said at Sunday’s Assembly. “By interpreting everything and interpreting the fact that there is a very clear framework … it makes the most sense for us to follow that framework.”

At the Special Assembly on Sunday, Plummer’s nomination drew criticism from ASUS representatives, who referred to it as undemocratic and unconstitutional and argued for greater student consultation.

“I believe that such a consideration of this magnitude without consulting students in a circumstance like this, which has never risen before, would be very detrimental to the AMS,” said Alexander Rotman, ASUS representative to the AMS, on Sunday.

Rotman proposed a silent ballot, which was overturned in favour of a roll call vote, citing AMS policy.

This week, referendum nomination forms circulated calling for the executive-elect – – to be impeached. The issue wasn’t addressed at last night’s Assembly.

Those who signed the form supported the question posed on the petition: if “it be recommended to the Alma Mater Society Assembly that Eril Berkok, Nicola Plummer and TK Pritchard not continue to hold the offices of incoming President, incoming Vice-President (Operations) and incoming Vice-President (University Affairs), respectively, of the Alma Mater Society of Queen’s University at Kingston, and a general election be called to select their replacements?”

If the forms garner enough signatures, which according to the AMS Constitution is 10 per cent of Society members, the question will be placed on a referendum ballot.

The Journal couldn’t confirm who put forward the question or how many students have signed the forms. It’s currently unknown how many signatures have been collected and if and when the forms will be presented to AMS Assembly.

“Nicola, T.K. and I have received a lot of support from students regarding our team, the priorities we have laid out, and the progress we have made so far,” Berkok told the Journal via email Thursday night. “Students have not brought such a petition to our attention, and unless something unforeseen occurs, we will continue working tirelessly in transitioning and enacting our platform.”

The majority of Assembly members present on Sunday expressed concern that a re-election would negatively affect next year’s hiring process, as well as the AMS’ relationship with Queen’s administration and other external stakeholders.

“I would like to say that this has been extremely detrimental to us and to students … [as well as] the administration,” Philip Lloyd, Con-Ed ’13 and Concurrent Education Student’s Association President, said, adding that he supports Plummer’s nomination. “We are one of the few universities with this much input from students and need to prove that we deserve it.”

Since her ratification on Sunday, Plummer said she’s worked closely with the current vice-president of operations Tristan Lee to transition into the role.

“[I] have shadowed him at a number of meetings while also meeting with him separately to tackle the very complex task of transition,” she told the Journal via email. “I will be sitting on two hiring panels over the weekend and have been in contact with my Directors to ensure that they are being supported in their own hiring decisions.”

She added that she’s most looking forward to tackle service-related initiatives for the AMS.

“Specifically, I am looking forward to working with our insurance provider so that the AMS Health & Dental Plan value can be maximized to meet the needs of students.”

This article has been updated to reflect the following clarification: Philip Lloyd supports Plummer’s nomination.

AMS, Elections, student government

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