Pick Brothers stand strong

With an upcoming tour and a prospective album in the works, the eclectic trio of brothers in the Pick Brothers Band are prepared to make 2015 their year.

The rock and roll/soul band, fresh off a high-energy performance at QPOP Music Festival, originates from Toronto. The band consists of members Jeremiah Pick on guitar and drums, Gabriel Pick on guitar and drums and Casey Pick on bass. All three members contribute vocally.

The three originally started playing music together over five years ago. Gabriel wrote a collection of songs during the time he spent in hospital for a heart condition, after which Jeremiah approached him about the three of them making music as a band.

Those written songs acted as a gateway for the band’s official beginning, according to Gabriel, the youngest member.

“In the span of time that I was in the hospital I wrote over a dozen songs,” Gabriel said. “One day Jeremiah was at the hospital and was like, ‘hey, let’s do something with these songs’, and that’s sort of how the band started.” The band is unique not only in that their music has a dynamically original tone, but also because they’re brothers. Because of this, the nature of their relationship has a huge effect on the music they produce.

Although it can be negative at points, there’s a comfort level within the band that the members wouldn’t necessarily have if they weren’t related, Gabriel said.

“I love it in most ways. There’s certain musical elements that go along with being brothers,” Gabriel said. “We’ve toured for seven weeks, and for me, to bring that little piece of home with you and to have that home comfort and to know you’re surrounded by family all the time is comforting.”

The fact that they’ve been jamming together for longer than they’ve been a band formed a sort of musical telepathy between them, Pick said. Sometimes it’s hard to always be in a small space on tour with the presence of varying moods and personalities, but there’s no one he’d rather be making music with.

Along with this summer’s tour across Canada, the band released their first album Pink Lemonade in 2013 and plan to release a second one, which will prospectively be released sometime next spring or summer.

“We recorded our first album over four days,” Gabriel said. “We’d wake up, record for 16 hours, sleep, then do it all over again the next day. It was a magical process, really fun and fast, and I’m really proud of it.”

With the upcoming album, the brothers have to choose from a variety of over 60 songs that are already tucked away in their repertoire, Gabriel said. It’s difficult to gauge which ones will work the best together, especially because they really care about every song — it’s an intimidating, yet exciting process.

The band plans to spend part of the year working on the album after finishing their current tour in November, and then kicking off a tour for the 2015 album after its release.

The Pick Brothers Band will continue to visit Kingston throughout the year to perform shows.

“You go into shows blind without really knowing what to expect,” Gabtiel said. “We’ve played in Kingston five or six times, and every time the energy is so nuts. Every so often [on tour] you hit these goldmines, and Kingston is one of them.”

The Pick Brothers Band plays at Clark Hall Pub on Thursday, Oct. 23.

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