Politician points to far-out source for clean energy

Former minister of national defence Paul Hellyer is calling for a mobilization.

Hellyer, who’ll be delivering a talk at Queen’s on Monday, believes the solution to global warming is already within our grasp, but it’s not a solution that can be found in a recycling bin or a hybrid car.

This solution, he claims, exists in extraterrestrial technology, which he believes has been present on earth for years.

“I’m convinced that the technology exists to replace fossil fuels almost immediately,” said Hellyer, currently the longest serving member of the Privy Council.

“This is something I can’t prove, but in my opinion, the technology exists and it is controlled by the same small, elite group who control the oil industry and the banking industry.”

Hellyer’s talk is being hosted by the Queen’s Environmental Law Club. In it, he’ll delve into what he calls the “three most important issues facing humankind today”: global warming, the need for an overhaul of the banking system, and the presence of extraterrestrials and their technology.

“My main hope is that there will be some people who will catch a little bit of the urgency and try to do something as individuals that would help get governments to take all of these three major issues seriously,” he said.

A mobilization similar to the manufacturing efforts of World War II will solve global warming, Hellyer added.

“At that time, all of the automobile plants and the factories that made washing machines and refrigerators and so on were all converted to the manufacture of those things that were required to wage the war,” he said.

“And what I’m saying is that we have to just do that in reverse. Now we have to convert all of the arms makers, the ones who are making the weapons of destruction, into plants that produce the new energy sources that we have to have to accomplish this absolutely stupendous project.”

This concern is second in his mind only to the reform of the banking system, which he believes is necessary to provide agencies with the financial flexibility to fund the change from fossil fuels into “exotic or clean energy.”

Hellyer’s concerns about the banking system go back to his childhood experiences during the Great Depression, but his concerns over global warming and extraterrestrials have only emerged over the last decade.

Since going public with these concerns in 2005, Hellyer said he’s been “deluged with information from all over the world” in the form of papers and books. He’s shared his controversial views in his own books and in his talks, which have been delivered at events such events as exopolitics — or, interplanetary politics — conferences.

His political career, which began in the late 1940s, includes a bid for Liberal leadership, a bid for Conservative leadership and a return to the Liberals, followed by the founding of the left-leaning Canadian Action Party.

An engineer by trade, he unified the army, navy and air force during his stint as minister of defence.

Hellyer has been outspoken about his views, gaining attention in 2010 after disagreeing with famed physicist Stephen Hawking over the malevolent nature of extraterrestrials, and has gained recognition as one of the most prominent Canadian UFO theorists.

Hellyer also believes the American government has put billions or trillions of dollars into the reverse engineering of alien technology, for the purpose of creating what he calls “diabolical weapons.” He cited the reticence towards acknowledging these issues as a reason why governments have perhaps not better addressed them.

“Until very recently at least, if you started talking about UFOs people were likely to wind their fingers around their ears or give the impression that you had perhaps been smoking too much of something or other, or said you were getting old and not thinking too clearly.”

Hellyer was privy to information about UFO sightings as defence minister, but was “too busy to really be concerned about them” at the time.

What he currently hopes to achieve, he said, is more government transparency so the public can make up their own minds about how these matters should be dealt with.

“I think we have to get some disclosure before it’s too late.”

Paul Hellyer will speak at Dunning Hall on Monday night at 7 p.m.

Environment, Visiting Speaker

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