Politics professor awarded professorship in Stockholm

Queen’s Professor Margaret Moore was awarded a visiting professorship at Stockholm University earlier this week, set to begin next July. 

The Olof Palme Visiting Professorship, granted by the Swedish Research Council and named after the late Swedish Prime Minister, provides the opportunity for researchers who are focused on areas of peace and justice across borders to network and research abroad.

At Queen’s, Moore is a professor in the department of Political Studies and author of A Political Theory of Territory, her primary work which earned her the professorship. In her book, Moore says although political states aren’t necessarily territorial, they require defence to avoid conflict.

“I really wasn’t expecting to get this award,” Moore told The Journal. “It’s nice to see my work being read and recognized. Truly a tremendous honour.” 

Moore will begin at Stockholm University in July for a period of six months. Her work will include conducting research groups, hosting seminars and working with graduate and post-graduate students. 

On top of this, Moore will continue her own research and writing her next book. “The goal is to contribute actively in the department and university,” she said. 

On moving to Stockholm for the professorship, Moore expressed that she’s unsure of what’s to come. “It’s always a challenge to leave your comfort zone,” she said. “I’ll have to meet all new people and become somewhat conversant in Swedish.” 

Alongside the language barrier, she said another possible challenge may be the strain her absence could put on her family. “I’m working to get my 15-year-old daughter to spend a semester at an English-Swedish school. I think that would be really great for us.” 

When asked about what she’s most looking forward to, Moore said it’s networking with like-minded scholars in a completely different environment. “When you’re at home, you get into a rut and start thinking you’re doing the natural thing,” she said. “But it’s always productive to see how other things are organized [in] culture, academics and teaching.”

Moore believes this new perspective will allow her to create new academic linkages and implement the methods she observes abroad. 

“This job comes with a learning curve, and I think it would be interesting to see how things are decided at the university,” she said. “Are there committees? What is the relationship between post graduate students and faculty?”

At Stockholm University, she will also be affiliated with the InRights research group. InRights focuses on political inclusion and rights for migrants, minorities and indigenous peoples, which are some areas of research that Moore is less familiar with but excited to venture into. 

“This professorship is widely known, well-funded and is very prominent, which is why it’s so gratifying to receive it, and I think Stockholm is a nice city too.”

Margaret Moore, Olof Palme Visiting Professorship, Politics, Stockholm

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