Province yet to release full sexual violence survey results

Nearly nine months after the provincial government released initial data from the Student Voices on Sexual Violence survey, there is still no timeline for the release of the remaining results.  
In February 2018, the provincial government saw 116,627 post-secondary students participate in the survey about sexual violence. While the survey’s results were promised to institutions in the fall of 2018, the provincial government only released preliminary data from the survey this March. Citing privacy concerns, the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities (MTCU) withheld specific data sets. 
In a written statement to The Journal, MTCU spokesperson Ciara Byrne said the Ministry is still concerned about the privacy of students.
“All students deserve to be able to attend higher-education in an environment that is safe and free from harassment. While the summary findings of this report have been released to the public, the ministry must ensure that the privacy of survivors of sexual violence is protected,” Byrne wrote. 
“At this time, the ministry is reviewing recommendations received from the Information and Privacy Commissioner prior to making any further decisions about the release of additional survey results.”
The Ministry did not respond to an inquiry about the timeline for the release of the results, and the University confirmed to The Journal that it also hasn’t received a timeline. 
In their updated platform, the AMS promised to advocate to the government for the release of the remaining results. In a written statement to The Journal, the Society said it’s taken those advocacy efforts to Queen’s Park over the last couple of weeks.
“In recent weeks, the AMS has been in contact with members of the Provincial Government regarding the incomplete release of data from the Student Voices on Sexual Violence Survey conducted in 2018,” the statement said. 
“In our communications, we stressed the severity of the situation facing post-secondary campuses and the need to have institution specific evidence to drive positive action in the fight against sexual violence.” 

and Universities, colleges, Ministry of Training, sexual violence, survey

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