Provost and Deputy Provost to be transitioned out

Originally published Sept. 15, updated with comments from Laeeque Daneshmend on Sept. 21

Laeeque Daneshmend, deputy provost, has resigned from his position, according to an August 14 announcement in The Gazette.

Just over a week later, the University also released details on Provost and Vice-Principal Alan Harrison’s departure, which will take place in July 2016.

Daneshmend’s resignation, and return to his previous faculty position as a professor within the Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining, comes into effect on Dec. 31, 2015. 

In the interim, his responsibilities will be handed off in preparation for his departure from the role.

On Sept. 1, the responsibilities surrounding Campus Planning and Development were transferred from Daneshmend to the Office of Planning and Budgeting under Associate Vice-Principal (Planning and Budgeting) Megan Sheppard.

Sheppard will also assume the Chair position within the Campus Planning Advisory Committee.

Daneshmend told The Journal via email that his time as deputy provost was “an uplifting yet humbling experience” and called the Academic Renewal, Tenure and Promotion processes he oversaw a privilege.

However, Daneshmend wrote that the most important part of his job has been “the opportunity to reinforce and reiterate the raison d’etre for the existence of this institution.”

To him, that reason is Queen’s students — and, he wrote, “the unique Queen’s experience they have come to expect, and which we aim to deliver to them.”

For Daneshmend, his changing role is also nothing out of the ordinary.

“As anyone who is familiar with my career trajectory can attest,” he wrote, “I have a propensity for switching gears. I have changed my research focus over half a dozen times, and my disciplinary affiliation within engineering four times.”

Daneshmend wrote that he looks to future roles with optimism — whether in the classroom, research, or administration — and that he looks forward to “exploring new opportunities and engaging with new challenges”. 

In terms of Harrison’s departure, Queen’s intends to have a replacement in office by August 1, 2016.

Harrison was appointed as provost and vice-principal (academic) in 2011 after an international recruitment search.

Harrison’s responsibilities include oversight of the University’s academic programs and budget, along with the execution of Principal Daniel Woolf’s strategic priorities.

Queen’s has confirmed that the recruitment process has begun for a replacement with the establishment of an advisory selection committee.

The committee, which is to be chaired by Woolf, includes members of Queen’s faculty, staff, students, members of the Senate and members of the Board of Trustees. The Boyden global executive search firm will provide consultation throughout the hiring process.

— With files from Jacob Rosen

Administration, Alan Harrison, deputy provost, Laeeque Daneshmend, Provost, resignation

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