Rector and AMS candidates ratified, SMART dissolved

This past Jan. 18, AMS Assembly saw the ratification of several electoral candidates, the approval of referenda and the creation of a JDUC renovation referenda period in February. 


Rector candidates Jake Roseman, ArtSci ‘18, Afsheen Chowdury, ConEd ‘19, and Alexandra Da Silva, ConEd ‘19, were all ratified as eligible candidates for the 2018-20 Rector elections to no objections. 

The sole AMS Executive candidate team running for election — consisting of Presidential candidate Emily VanderHeyden, ArtSci ‘18, Vice Presidential (Operations) candidate Craig Draeger, ArtSci ’18, and Vice Presidential (University Affairs) candidate Natasha Kornak, ArtSci ‘19, were also ratified to no objection from Assembly members. 


In a step towards finalization of the proposed JDUC renovations, President Jennifer Li presented a motion to approve a referendum period for a student fee to go towards the JDUC on Feb. 5-11 with a Feb. 12 voting period. The motion passed, but the exact amount of the proposed fee is yet to be announced.

An AMS campaigning fee increase to $800 was also approved to compensate for the money being put towards promoting the JDUC revitalization fee.

The mandatory student Bus-It fee also saw an increase of $23.68, to an approved fee of $90. The fee increase came about as a result of an expansion of the Bus-It program to include more bus routes in and around the University District and will assist this process in cooperation with the City of Kingston. 

A policy change regarding elections was also presented and approved, limiting poster allowance for Rector candidates to 100. 

Hiring policy changes

An AMS hiring policy change was amended to tighten regulations surrounding full-time hires. Full-time salaried students have always been expected under AMS policy to take a reduced course load. With the approved changes, this expectation of taking no more than 9.0 units per semester was made more explicit so as to ensure students understand the full requirements of jobs for which they choose to apply. 

Dissolution of SMART

The Student Maintenance and Resource Team (SMART) was approved for dissolution as a result of a loss of customer service volume, the recent minimum wage increase and the absence of a dedicated equipment mechanic in the event of breakdowns. 

The dissolution marks the second dissolution of an AMS service in the 2017-18 academic year, following Bikes and Boards in August. The Housing Resource Centre Manager will be introduced as a part-time, salaried position to absorb some of the responsibilites left by SMART’s dissolution. 

ReUnion Street Festival updates

The ReUnion Street Festival has been placed under the authority of the Commissioner of Campus Activities Devon Laflamme in order to facilitate a more logistically sound and efficient organization of the event. 

AMS Assembly, recap

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