Second-year team wins ASUS executive race

This year’s ASUS executive election went to Brandon Jamieson and Andrew DiCapua in a race that pitted the pair of second-years against two upperclassmen.

The news arrived at the team’s Albert St. party in the form of this year’s ASUS executive, Adam Grotsky and Blake Butler, who were armed with a bottle of champagne.

The incoming executive consists of President-elect Jamieson, ArtSci ’17, and Vice-President-elect DiCapua, ArtSci ’17.

Grotsky and Butler’s entrance prompted a roar from the crowd, which had been anxiously watching the door all night. Supporters were eager to hear results, repeatedly expressing a desire to know either way.

The news was well received, though unexpected.

“We never knew for sure that we were going to win,” said one supporter of Team Brandon and Andrew.

Even the victors were taken aback by the news.

“I’m surprised. I’m very surprised,” Jamieson said upon learning of his victory.

In a speech to the team’s supporters at the party, Jamieson expressed his thanks for their encouragement and pledged to serve them in his time as president.

“We are the underdogs in this race, and our hard work has brought us here and that is a testament to the future of this society.”

The news may have come as a surprise, but Team Brandon and Andrew are confident in the support of their constituents.

“The students have spoken and they want our vision,” Jamieson said.

DiCapua emphasized that their campaign, first and foremost, sought to connect with students, and encouraged anyone who voted for Team Wiseman and Goodman to reach out to them in the coming months.

To those who did vote for Team Brandon and Andrew, DiCapua expressed his thanks and eagerness to get started.

“We’re just going to have a good night and we’re going to start working tomorrow morning early morning,” he said.

“I’m excited to learn about the role and spend a lot of time with Adam and Blake to really just get immersed in the whole position. I’m really excited.”

DiCapua also expressed his thanks to their supporters during the team’s victory speech, specifically calling out their campaign manager.

“Carolyn Thompson has become one of the best campaign managers this campus has ever seen,” DiCapua said in his victory speech.

Thompson herself was visibly joyed by the team’s victory and at times was beyond words.

“I want to thank the student body. This is like the most incredible thing – this is probably … one of the top moments of my life,” she said.

Ultimately, Thompson saw the victory as student politics at its best.

“This proves that it doesn’t matter who you are, what [year] you’re in — you can do whatever you want.”

As surprising as the results were to the victors, they were no less shocking to the other team.

Despite an unexpected loss, the atmosphere at Wiseman and Goodman’s party remained positive.

“A lot of things went well over the campaign,” said Presidential candidate Jon Wiseman.

“We started strong and we ended strong.”

Co-Campaign Manager Cameron McNeill made an impassioned speech, in which he thanked volunteers for their investment in the two-week-long ordeal and made it clear that he shared their pain.

“I haven’t felt this gutted in a long time,” said McNeill, ArtSci ’16.

After a short wait, Wiseman and Goodman, both ArtSci ’16, climbed on top of a table in the crowded William St. house to address the room.

“I didn’t prepare for a speech like this,” Wiseman said.

“All of our volunteers did an absolutely stellar job. The support that you guys gave us, we will forever be thankful for.”

Their volunteers also remained positive, with many praising the two for their hard work.

“I wanted to work for Jon and Brendan because I know they’re reliable and they work incredibly hard,” said Emma Jones, ArtSci ’15, who worked the campaign from the start.

“They were incredibly kind to their volunteers and appreciative of this whole experience.”

While clearly upset, both candidates struck an optimistic tone, reaffirming their commitment to ASUS and the electoral process.

“We said it from the beginning,” Goodman said. “We have mad respect for the electorate.”

“We’re two people,” Wiseman said. “They’re 10,000.”

As for their opponents, both were unanimous in sending their support.

“They ran a great campaign,” Wiseman said while visiting the victory party. “We wish them the best of luck.”

Asus, ASUS elections, Elections

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