Senate votes for closure of PHE program, creates new law professorship

The Feb 28 Senate meeting began with a lengthy discussion and debate regarding the implementation of a Fall Term Break, and followed with several other initiatives, including the official closing of the Physical Education program and the welcoming of a new law professor.

PHE program closure

After a series of decisions made by the University and its governing bodies throughout this year, Senate voted unanimously this Tuesday to close the Bachelor of Physical and Health Education program.

The vote took into account the lower number of opportunities for physical education teachers within the school system, the overlap in curricular content between Physical and Health Education programs and Kinesiology programs, as well as a number of other factors.

Law professorship created in memoriam for deceased professor

Senate approved the establishment of a new professorship in Corporate Law and Finance in the name of Queen’s Law alum and former Queen’s Law Dean’s Council Vice-Chair Stephen Sigurdson, who passed away this November.

Following his passing, Sigurdson’s family requested that donations in his memory be made to the Steve Sigurdson Queen’s Law Memorial Fund. This fund along with other gifts, pledges and internal matching monies allowed them to reach the minimum $1.5 million required by the University to fund a professorship.

Certificate in Employment Relations to be offered online

A major modification was made to the Certificate in Employment Relations in the Faculty of Arts and Science. 

This modification comes just one year after the previous version was approved by the Senate and will introduce a fully online additional mode of delivery of the Certificate. 

According to the report from the Senate Committee on Academic Development, “the fully online option will make the certificate accessible to an expanded demographic of learners including students who currently hold an undergraduate degree from Queen’s or other institutions.”

Certificate in Employment Relations, law professorship, phe, Senate, Senate recap

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