Sexual assault trial for former Queen’s student underway

Former Queen’s student Taylor Haas appeared in Kingston’s superior court last week in an ongoing trial for an alleged sexual assault that occurred in 2018.

Haas, who currently resides in B.C., was attending Queen’s when he was accused of sexually assaulting another student on Feb. 21, 2018.

According to Global News, four witnesses took the stand last week Tuesday, while Haas took the stand for several hours on Feb. 20. He has pleaded not guilty to the alleged assault.

In court, the witness alleged that the victim was noticeably intoxicated and slurring her words on the night of the alleged assault.

According to one witness, Haas offered to walk the victim home, and was told to simply drop her off and not sleep with her.  Haas’ attorney questioned the witness’ ability to determine whether the victim was aware of her actions that night. Haas himself testified that the victim said she didn’t remember everything that occurred on the night of Feb. 21, and claimed he texted her the next day to make sure she was all right.

Crown attorneys also highlighted some of Haas’ text messages to other individuals about the night in question, which allegedly included statements like “I knew she was too drunk.”

Concluding arguments are set to take place in Kingston on April 15.

Sexual Assault, Trial

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