Sole ASUS team wins race

Adam Grotsky and Blake Butler won the ASUS executive race tonight in an overwhelming show of confidence.

The duo received word of their victory at an Alfred St. party. Current ASUS vice-president Irfan Tahiri burst through the door at 9 p.m., bearing a bottle of champagne that was quickly popped open on the front porch.

Grotsky and Butler, both ArtSci ’15, earned a 94 per cent vote of confidence. 29 per cent of Arts and Science students voted in the election.

“I’m really at a loss for words to be honest,” Grotsky, the president-elect, told the Journal after a brief celebration. “94 per cent – that’s a really strong vote of confidence. I’m just so excited right now.”

Grotsky, the current ASUS Academics Commissioner, missed the start of the 10-day campaign period due to Queen’s Model Parliament, but he said Butler bore the load well in his absence.

Though they didn’t face any opposition, the team said they were committed to running an active campaign and engaging with as many voters as possible.

“We wanted them to vote for us because they have confidence we’re the best people for the job,” Grotsky said.

“That’s why we worked so hard, even though we were the only team,” he added.

Even with such a significant show of support, Grotsky said reaching out to students will be a top priority for him and Butler as they transition into their new roles.

“I’m interested in making sure we represent 100 per cent of the students, the way they want,” Grotsky said. “We’re going to work hard to approach that six per cent, whoever they might be.”

Grotsky and Butler said they’re excited to start implementing their platform points as soon as possible, including the hiring of ASUS’ first Human Rights Officer.

One issue they’d like to address is voter turnout. 71 per cent of ASUS members failed to cast a ballot in this year’s election.

Grotsky said he’d like to promote ASUS elections earlier next year, to encourage a plurality of potential candidates.

“There’s simply not as much interest in voting with one team,” Grotsky said. “I want a competition. I want it to be up to students to pick who they want – not because it’s the only option, but because there’s people to choose from.”

Butler, who currently works as a fitness supervisor at the ARC and as a service staffer for Walkhome, said he plans on devoting as much time to his transition into the vice-presidential role as possible.

“I don’t feel it’ll be a challenge for me, but I want students to recognize that as an external body coming in, I’m going to put in the time and effort required to do the best job possible,” Butler said. “As of tomorrow afternoon, I’m going to be emailing Irfan asking when I can come in next week.”

Asus, Elections

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