Steve Love: Funny Guy With A Talent For Impressions

By Trilby Goouch
Blogs Editor
Whether you saw Jimmy Kimmel’s tweet boasting about his impressions or watched the videos yourself, Steve Love is an up and coming talent. A former Queen’s student, Steve has developed an ever-growing fan base through his YouTube comedic impressions.

The Queen’s Journal: You’re famous for your spot-on impressions. How did you come to develop such a talent?

Steve: I’ve always been one to quote my favorite movies and TV shows from the moment I started talking. Once I got better at talking I learned to contort my voice, so to speak, to make my voice actually sound like the character. When I started going to school and figured out that I was the only one that could do voices accurately, I realized I might be on to something. Middle school is when it kind of took off.

The Queen’s Journal: You attended Queen’s until you decided to take some time off from your studies- since your departure, what are your plans for the future? Is this something you’d like to pursue career wise?

Steve: Well at this moment I’ve got the attention of a few casting directors and agents in Hollywood. No jobs to speak of yet, but I’m optimistic that within the next year I’ll be working on something either in voice acting or onscreen. I’ll also be trying my hand at stand-up comedy. For now, I’m going to keep making YouTube videos and hopefully the reaction from the online community will continue to be positive.

The Queen’s Journal: Who is your favourite comedian? Favourite comedic film?

Steve: I would have to say my all-time favorite comic is George Carlin. He had a way of making people aware of important issues while making them laugh their asses off, and other greats that followed him have done the same. Guys like Dave Chappelle, Chris Rock, Joe Rogan, Joey Diaz, and others. If you’re asking me to name my favorite comedy film I’d say Superbad, but there’s been so many great comedies that it’s hard to choose one without disrespecting another masterpiece.

The Queen’s Journal: What impressions have you got planned for the future?

Steve: Can’t say, that would ruin the suspense…

The Queen’s Journal: Any words of advice you can pass on to students looking to develop their comedic talents?

Steve:At this point in my life, I’m not a comedian, so it would be wrong of me to suggest that I’m an authority on the subject, but I will say this: Comedy is an art, not a science. If you put your heart into it, put it out there, and people connect to it, that’s all that matters. If you’ve got a good sense of humor and a good head on your shoulders, the sky’s the limit.

Check out Steve Love’s Youtube channel

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