Storied Queen’s radio station fails to secure mandatory fee in Winter Referendum

When the results for the AMS Winter Referendum arrived Tuesday night, all but one fee were  successful. 
With 52.7 per cent of students voting no, campus radio station CFRC failed to secure that status. The station first lost mandatory status last year after the Student Choice Initiative (SCI) was implemented, resulting in significant financial losses.
Station Manager Dinah Jansen was unable to comment on the referendum results. 
With 65.4 per cent of students voting in favour of the transition, satirical newspaper Golden Words will leave its former optional status behind and return to mandatory fee status in the fall.
The AMS Food Bank also secured mandatory status, with 80.7 per cent of students voting in favour. In the Society of Graduate and Professional Students (SGPS) referendum, voters established a mandatory fee for the Graduate Peer Support Centre.
All other fees passed in the referendum. The continuation of optional fees for Queen’s Concrete Toboggan, Friends of MSF: Queen’s Chapter, Oxfam, Queen’s First Aid, Queen’s Female Leadership in Politics, Queen’s Bands, the Canadian Undergraduate Conference on Healthcare, and the Queen’s Debating Union fee were all successful.
Fees were established for Queen’s Women in Leadership, Queen’s Students 4 Special Olympics, and the Queen’s Undergraduate Women and Law Club. 
Full results are available on the AMS website.

2020 student elections, ams referendum, CFRC

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