Student start-ups: ONE Page

Throughout university, we learn in-depth about the topic of our majors, how to survive off one grocery trip for two weeks, and how to balance our work and social lives. But learning how to survive in the real world isn’t something we’re always fully equipped to do after university.

That’s where the business venture of Beatrice Chan, Sci ’18, and Chloe Cheng, ArtSci ’18, comes into play. The two fourth year students run a business called ONE Page that has the ultimate goal of helping people successfully get a job after graduation or in the summers between school years.

“We basically help people edit their resumes and their cover letters so we can either edit your current documents or we can do it from scratch so clients just have to fill out a form,” Chan explained.

The motto for ONE Page is “all in one”, expressing the all-inclusivity of the service. Chan and Cheng explained their business provides a unique resource students can use whether they need help creating a resume, have questions about a cover letter layout, or are even having trouble with a lab report.

The inspiration of the two girls initially came from their desire to fill a niche they saw in the community of students who speak English as a second language (ESL) combined with their own questioning of the quality of their resumes.

“At first we wanted to target ESL students, there are all these clubs out there like the Chinese Club, South Asian Club, because we thought it would be much easier to connect with people,” Cheng said.

Many students have difficulty finding their place in the working world after graduation and turn to creating positions for themselves. For both founders, albeit still completing their undergraduate degrees, things are no different. After all, the biggest motivator they had to start ONE Page was their own difficulties finding summer employment.

“When we were having trouble finding summer jobs, we were wondering if it was something wrong with our cover letters or resumes, so because of that we were just like ‘let’s just start something ourselves,’” Chan said.

Once they realized their resource could be used by many other students, they expanded the business to reach out to the rest of the Queen’s community. Since early September, they’ve been working to partner with more clubs and societies on campus.

“They are helping us market the company and at the same time we are providing them with benefits like discounts,” Chan said.

Cheng and Chan make these connections with their fellow students by interacting with groups through Facebook.

After already finding success since their establishment this past May, what’s the future for Cheng, Chan and ONE Page?

Although the start-up is currently a part-time job for the two girls, they’re planning to hire staff members during the year to help them to greater expand the business. According to Cheng and Chan, the main priority in terms of hiring is to appoint a marketing assistant since it’s the area they know least about.

As fourth-year students with a full-time course load , Cheng and Chan have had to balance school with a start-up. To do this, they girls have found time to work on their business in between study sessions and with the help of organization through to-do lists.

To find out more about their services or find out how you can get their help with your post-university world check out their Facebook page “ONE Page” or their website 2girls1page.

organization, student start-ups

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