Student voting, explained

On Oct. 22, students and Kingston residents will head to the polls to cast their ballots for the upcoming municipal election.

For students, the City of Kingston issued a bulletin last week to clarify Queen’s students are eligible to vote in both their hometown municipality and the municipality of their post-secondary institution.

To vote in the upcoming election, students must be over 18 years of age, a Canadian citizen, and are a resident, owner, or tenant of property in the City of Kingston.

To vote in the municipal election, students must print off a letter of confirmation of residence through logging into their Student Housing Gateway/Portal and click on the Confirmation of Residence icon on the landing page as proof of residence address.

Options to vote for both students and residents include in-person voting, internet voting, and voting proxy.

When participating in the election, voters will need to show their Voter Information Notice and identification that displays voters name and address in order to receive a ballot.

The advanced voting day was held on Saturday, where students and residents were given the first opportunity to vote in person for the upcoming municipal election.

Online voting in Kingston opened on Saturday at 10 a.m., and will run until election day on Oct. 22.

However, residents who still wish to vote online must be on the voters list and have completed registration. Students can register for online voting from Oct. 13-22 at 7 p.m.

Students and residents of the city are also able to appoint an eligible elector to vote on their behalf through voting proxy.

According to the City, more than 6,200 residents have already voted in the municipal election either in person, online, and on Advanced Voting Day on Saturday, Oct. 13.

To cast a ballot in the upcoming election, students are able to check if they are on the Voter’s List at

municipal election, vote

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