Study session

Women’s basketball coach Dave Wilson spends 10 hours a week analyzing gametape on a computer screen. At a Tuesday night gametape session, Wilson gave scouting reports on each player in the Carleton Ravens’ starting lineup.

“Number three. 5’10. She’s their shooter. Likes to cut through the key. Decent rebounder,” he told his players in the team’s room in the basement of the ARC.

Watching video of other teams is a big part of OUA sports. Teams are required to film their home games and post the video on an OUA server for other teams to access. Wilson breaks down the 10 hours of gametape he watches each week into a single hour of footage to show to his team, in preparation for upcoming games.

“We don’t see all the background stuff he does,” fifth-year captain Christine Wallace said. “After one of our practices, I went up — he had already done a full day and practice — and he was looking at gametape.”

“We appreciate it. I like seeing the different aspects of every game.”

The Gaels play the Ravens this Friday and the Ottawa Gee-Gees on Saturday. Tuesday night was dedicated to the Ravens’ gametape. The team won’t see the Ottawa gametape until Saturday morning.

“We take things one game at a time,” Wilson said.

Conversations with Wilson this season quickly move to the topic of how healthy the team is. In January last year, Wilson only had nine active players — four players had suffered season-ending injuries.

Wilson is only missing two players right now.

Second-year guard Lisa Minutillo has a concussion and first-year wing Jillian Siemieniuk is out with a foot injury. Second-year wing Gemma Bullard’s season ended in training camp in August when she tore her ACL.

After the gametape session, the team went up to the ARC’s main gym for practice.

Fifth-year captain Brittany Moore was the only player absent on Tuesday night. Wallace said Moore was in class for teacher’s college. Moore’s second in the OUA and seventh in the CIS in scoring with 19 points per game.

Moore and Wallace have made the playoffs for the last four years, but they’ve only had one winning season. The Gaels are third in the OUA East at 7-5 right now. Ottawa is first at 10-2 and Carleton is second at 8-4. This will be the first game the Gaels play against either team this season and one win could put them in contention for a first-round playoff bye.

Christine Wallace, Dave Wilson, women's basketball

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