Sweet honey cookies to get full marks

Hi, my name is Kiera and I hate group projects, like really hate them. 

Despite my best efforts, I still have to do a lot of them. Fortunately, I’ve discovered the key to getting full marks on participation from even the most savage of group members. Are you ready for it? It’s wild. Bring cookies.  

That is all you’ll ever need to do. I brought these bad boys to a group meeting earlier this week, and no word of a lie, one person ate probably 10 of them. That guy is giving me 100 per cent for being group member of the year. I have no doubts, only cookies. 


• 1 cup of softened butter

• ½ cup of honey 

• 1 egg

• 1 tbsp of vanilla 

• 2 ½ cups of flour 

• Sprinkles (optional but recommended) 


1. Microwave honey until liquid.

2. Whisk together melted honey, butter, egg and vanilla.

3. Slowly add flower. 

4. Add desired sprinkles. 

5. Divide dough in half and cover in saran wrap. 

6. Refrigerate for 20 minutes and preheat oven to 325 Fahrenheit in the meantime. 

7. Roll dough ¼ inch thick, make sure to flour your surface first.

8. Cut into fun shapes. 

9. Bake for 10-12 minutes, your edges should start 

to darken. 

10. Use to bribe your group members! 


baking, Lifestyle, recipe

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