Tag: Aberdeen

St. Patrick’s Day sees unprecedented crowd size, collapsed roof

This past St. Patrick’s Day, students flooded the intersection of Aberdeen and William to celebrate the Irish holiday.  In a statement, Kingston Police said over 5,000 people attended the Mar. 17 celebrations.  According to the statement, this year’s crowds were “far larger” than those experienced...

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Creepy clown spotted on Aberdeen causes student concern

Just after midnight on Oct. 13, Queen’s student Vibhor Mathur walked onto Aberdeen St. and was confronted with a sight that caused a slight stir on Facebook later that night.  “I was walking through the alley between Brock and Aberdeen, and once I was crossing the street I just saw this clown,” Mathur,...

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Homecoming returns to Aberdeen

Kingston police were out in full force Saturday night, deploying up to 80 officers on Aberdeen St. and the surrounding area. Officers, who were seen driving a paddy wagon around the Student Ghetto, arrested 10 students for public intoxication and disrupting public peace by 12:30 a.m., out of approximately...

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Woolf goes door-to-door asking for self-discipline

Principal Daniel Woolf went door-to-door last Saturday asking students to exercise restraint during the two approaching Homecoming weekends. Woolf knocked on doors along Earl and Aberdeen Streets, and gave out Homecoming pamphlets and newsletters to students who answered their doors. He was accompanied...

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Graduates face job market realities

The owner of a human resources consulting firm in Toronto says Queen’s students are still a favourite for hiring, despite national media attention for alcohol-related incidents in the past few years. “Obviously Queen’s has a reputation for Frosh Week antics but it’s still an A-school,” Consultant...

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Party on the way out

On Saturday night, the Aberdeen Street party peaked at around 500 people. The event drew significantly fewer people than last year, which boasted between 1,500 and 2,500 people on the Student Ghetto street. It’s a sign that the Aberdeen Street party is on its way out. Without a home football game...

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Street stays tame

At its peak on Saturday night, Aberdeen Street had approximately 500 revelers — a much smaller turnout than in previous years. Kingston Police Chief Stephen Tanner said he hopes Fauxcoming festivities will be confined to the last weekend. Even so, Kingston Police officers are preparing for a possible...

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