Tag: Aboriginal

Queen’s medicine student chosen to join Canada C3 Expedition

While most students look forward to the summer heat, one Queen’s medical student spent his July in the chilly northern-Canadian landscape. Thomas Dymond, Med ’20, was one of almost 5000 individuals to apply to embark on the Canada C3 expedition this July — a 150-day boat excursion that traveled from...

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Justin Trudeau holds Q&A in Kingston as part of cross-country tour

When Justin Trudeau walked into Kingston City Hall on Thursday Jan. 12 under a gold-tinted spotlight, a media flurry followed his every move. But before the glitz, while the Prime Minister’s aides hurriedly set up for his appearance, one of their stories set the tone for the afternoon’s discussion.  The...

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Aboriginal task force campaigns for Indigenous pride

Mid-morning on September 22, Marlene Brant Castellano answered a phone call from The Journal and began the difficult process of discussing Indigenous affairs in the education sphere, a topic that has often been kept from the public spotlight. “There are many Indigenous students on campus who have...

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Program to improve access to Aboriginal self-identification

New funding from the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities aims to make self-identification more accessible and impactful for Aboriginal students at Queen’s.  On March 11, Kingston and the Islands MPP Sophie Kiwala announced funding to back two programs: the Self-Identification Project at...

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Laurier statues out of place

Larger than life bronze statues of all 22 prime ministers is a bit much for a country accustomed to avoiding national pride like an ex-wife at a dinner party — there’s just too much history there.  Wilfrid Laurier University might have to revise its plan to erect statues of the country’s leaders in...

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Aboriginal classes mandatory for Education students

Starting next summer, all B.Ed candidates will take a 12-week course on Aboriginal education. The new course will focus on training B.Ed candidates to teach Aboriginal topics and create an inclusive environment for Aboriginal students. It’s one of several changes to the teacher’s college program that...

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Education is the pathway to reconciliation

All educational institutions have a part to play in bridging the divide between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples. Earlier this month, after a five-year investigation into the brutal history of the residential school system, Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Committee released a report naming...

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Decolonize academia

Queen’s needs to better incorporate Indigenous subjects in its academic programs. McGill University officially launched its Indigenous Studies program on Dec. 10. The interdisciplinary minor is a part of the university’s efforts to decolonize McGill, by removing the colonial lens that persists in...

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Ferguson not so far from home

To many Canadians, recent events in Ferguson might seem too far from home to understand. We often like to distinguish ourselves as an inclusive “cultural mosaic” that opposes our American sibling’s “melting pot.” We paint Canada as accepting and appreciative of all races, cultures and ethnicities,...

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