Tag: Academic research

Queen’s researcher breaks ground on Alzheimer’s prevention

Nature Medicine published Fernanda De Felice’s study on irisin and its effect on and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease on Jan. 7—and since then, her findings have garnered international attention.  An adjunct professor at Queen’s within the Department of Psychiatry, De Felice has been at the university...

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Queen's to accept funding from Huawei despite CSIS warning

On Wednesday, Queen’s accepted research project funding from Chinese technology company Huawei—despite warnings from the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS).   On Oct. 4, representatives from the top research-intensive universities in Canada were cautioned about future relations with the...

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Academia should have a destination outside of university walls

Since their conception in the Middle Ages, universities have been to the benefit of a particularly fortunate — and therefore limited — group. It’s time to reconsider the potential of postsecondary institutions in keeping our broader society well-informed.  As a student in Arts and Science, graduate...

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Teaching profs deserve an equal pedestal

Those who can, teach. Those who can’t, get tenure. A growing trend across Canadian universities is the “teaching class”, university instructors who are hired on short contracts to teach classes on an hourly basis and for lower pay than more ‘elite’ professors who spend their days researching. By valuing...

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“Get Science Right” campaign comes to Queen’s

“There is a war on science in Canada,” Professor John Smol said, as he addressed a packed room of over 100 local researchers, professors and graduate students at Botterell Hall, Thursday afternoon.   Smol’s keynote lecture was part of the “Get Science Right” conference co-hosted by Canadian Association...

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Deadlines without consideration

Sean Field, PhD ’13 Yesterday, the Graduate Studies Executive Council (GSEC) lowered graduate time-to-completion limits for PhD and Master’s Candidates to four years and two years respectively. GSEC reviews and amends regulations pertaining to graduate studies including admissions standards, degree...

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