Tag: acclamation

Uncontested Trustee candidate faces forum

On January 26, the AMS held an an open forum for the uncontested Undergraduate Student Trustee election, with sole candidate Victoria Chappell, ArtSci ’19. One of the first questions asked was how Chappell would bring a unified voice to the Board of Trustees, when an issue affects both undergraduate...

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Darts and laurels 2014-15

Darts Admin’s failure to be proactive: The University’s reactive approach to sexual assault, anti-vaccination course material and the inaccessibility of its campus shows a disregard for students’ well-being. It apparently takes public shaming at the national level for Queen’s to take student safety...

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AMS acclamation omits students

Without a vote of confidence, Team CBW’s imposition as incoming AMS executive was undemocratic. The AMS acclaimed CBW — Kanivanan Chinniah, Kyle Beaudry and Catherine Wright — as the 2015-16 executive last week, after they were the only team to fulfill the election’s nomination requirements on time. It’s...

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