Tag: Advice

Three steps to surviving a Kingston winter

When choosing to attend university a five-hour flight away from where I grew up, I knew I was in for a weather change. Growing up in a temperate rainforest, I was used to what most people would classify as ‘bad’ weather: in Vancouver, it usually rains more than 150 days a year. How could a little...

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How to succeed in online learning

Whether you’re a seasoned online learner or you’ve never taken a virtual class before, this semester is bound to be difficult for everyone in its own way.  While it’s important to appreciate the opportunity to continue our education during the pandemic, it’s understandably frustrating for students...

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Asking for a Friend: School, work, and friendships, oh my!

I’m Audrey Helpburn, The Journal’s resident advice-giver. I answer questions about love, friendship, school, and more to help Queen’s students put their best foot forward on and around campus. Although I’m not a professional, I aim to give the best advice I can to students who need a bit of guidance....

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How my late aunt Susan’s words guided my life and education

Recently, I’ve been bombarded with advice about how to navigate university. I never expected the most meaningful guidance I’d receive, for university and life, would come from a speech my late aunt delivered over seven years ago.   The speech—and her battle with cancer—taught me happiness isn’t something...

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Back to the basics: “How do I ask a cute guy out?”

Dear S&M:  There’s this really good-looking guy in my tutorial that I’ve been waiting to ask me out all year. He still hasn’t even though we’ve been flirting and talking all year… Should I ask him out or will that make me look weird? Do guys even like it when girls ask them out? — Sadie...

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S&M: Flying Solo

“Hi S&M, can you please talk about female masturbation next? I’ve never done it before and I want to try it but I’m not really sure how to go about it and it feels overwhelming. None of my friends ever talk about it and it feels too taboo for me to just ask them. Do you have any advice for a first...

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How to survive grad school applications

With chill winds sweeping across campus and graduation on the increasingly-visible horizon, there’s only one thing left to do for many students moving on from Queen’s — begin applying to as many graduate programs, internships and jobs as you can stomach. Having completed this process last fall — I’m...

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Introducing S&M

Hi there, Journal readers! Our names are S and M, and together, we are yours truly: S&M. Convenient? We know. Clever? Maybe.  We know what you’re thinking: why is there a sexual innuendo as a newspaper headline? Allow us to shed a little light for you.  S and M met on a fateful first day of university,...

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What I wish I knew before exchange

Preparing to leave for exchange was by far the most emotionally overwhelming experience of my life. I can really only describe it as an emotional roller coaster. There are serious highs, like the day you get your acceptance email and realize its actually happening, or when you remember that you’ll...

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Cheesy advice

What would you want to know coming into a new school? What wisdom would you have wanted to impart on your younger, more vulnerable self? Last week, Queen’s TV released a list of ten things they wished they had known in first year. While their tongue-in-cheek style is no doubt an attempt to be relatable,...

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QJAdvice: T.W.

Hi QJAdvice: My ex started Facebook messaging me after not talking to me for the past 1.5 years. They asked me how I was doing and I replied to be polite. I’m not sure what this means. What should I do? T.W. Hi T.W., Talking to an ex can be a confusing experience, but not necessarily a bad...

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QJAdvice – Samantha B

Question: “Hey QJAdvice, My Boyfriend and I have been dating for 2 months, and he just brought up that he is going on exchange in January. We talked about going unofficial again so there would be no pressure. I have a lot of anxiety about the up coming months. What should I do? -Samantha B” Answer:...

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QJSex: Are you sexually active?

“Are you sexually active?” Almost everyone has heard this question when you go to a family doctor for a checkup. Whether it’s in a physical or when making an appointment to get an STI test, it’s a pretty standard checkup question. Even though the answer may seem simple, be careful — various assumptions...

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