Tag: AGM

AGM struggles to find purpose

At one point during this year’s AMS Annual General Meeting (AGM), Stephen Smith, ArtSci ’16, asked the small number of attendees to put up their hands if they weren’t required to be there. Only a couple of hands rose. The AMS was held on Monday in Grant Hall with low turnout and no new business on...

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An open letter to the AMS

When newspapers make a factual error, we print a correction. This ensures that we’re transparent and don’t mislead readers.  In light of the AMS’s misrepresentation of The Journal’s editorial, they might be advised to do the same.   On Tuesday night, the AMS published a blog post entitled “The Journal...

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Student fee policy leaves StuCons hanging

Democracy is usually the best policy, but the AMS shot themselves in the foot when they made referendums the only avenue for passing fees. This year, the AMS changed policy so that student activity fee increases no longer have the option to be debated and passed through an Annual General Assembly...

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Assembly accessibility atrophies apathy

Policy is key Brendan Goodman, ArtSci ’16 For people who don’t regularly attend student government meetings, or are attending their first meeting, the rules and policies surrounding the AMS Annual General Meeting or AMS Assembly can be confusing. However, when you start to get involved with a new...

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Student Constable fee increased to cover deficit

In an attempt to reduce the growing deficit of the Student Constables service, students will pay an additional $1.66 in fees each year. The mandatory StuCon fee increase from $8.34 to $10 is the result of a motion passed almost unanimously at the AMS Annual General Meeting last Tuesday. AMS Hospitality...

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Fees deserved fair shot at AMS Annual General Meeting

Dear Editors, The decision at last week’s AMS Assembly to reject a motion put forth by three groups hoping to instate opt-outable student fees, while adherent to AMS policy, stifled debate surrounding the proposals and should likely have been approached with more flexibility. Assembly rejected all...

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This is madness! Madness? This is clearly Queen’s. Working in the news team this year, I don’t think I can recall a time where there has been such an abundance of contentious student issues. From discussion surrounding Rector Nick Day’s letter and the special vote that took place, to the Alpine Tower...

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