Tag: Alan Harrison

A Q&A with Benoit-Antoine Bacon

After Queen’s bid goodbye to former Provost Alan Harrison at the end of July, it ushered in a brand new face. As of Aug. 1, Benoit-Antoine Bacon joined the University as its newest provost. Chatting with The Journal via email, Bacon discussed his new position, growing up French-Canadian, and the landscape...

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Interim Dean appointed for the Faculty of Arts and Science

With the departure of Susan Mumm as the Dean for the Faculty of Arts and Science and the search for a permanent dean beginning, Queen’s announced June 1 that Gordon Smith will serve in the position in the interim. Smith takes over from Mumm who just this past December accepted the position of Principal...

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New task force to focus on Indigenous issues

Queen’s has announced the creation of a new task force focused on the recommendations of last year’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission report. Provost Alan Harrison made the announcement at the most recent meeting of the Aboriginal Council of Queen’s University (ACQU). The council has also released...

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Smaller courses left behind by newest budget model

Three years ago, students piled into cars headed into a forest north of Kingston for the first run of a course that, financially, shouldn’t exist. Development Studies faculty Dr. Richard Day and Robert Lovelace teach “Re-Indigenizing People and Environments.” As a summer course, it ends an online...

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New draft of sexual assault policy to be released this month

After an almost five-month hiatus in public announcements, Provost Alan Harrison has set deadlines for the final steps of the Queen’s sexual assault policy.  The last announcement from Queen’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Working Group (SAPRWG) — the group tasked with the implementation...

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Provost and Deputy Provost to be transitioned out

Originally published Sept. 15, updated with comments from Laeeque Daneshmend on Sept. 21 Laeeque Daneshmend, deputy provost, has resigned from his position, according to an August 14 announcement in The Gazette. Just over a week later, the University also released details on Provost and Vice-Principal...

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