Tag: Alcohol

Universities need more addiction recovery programs

This fall, the University of Windsor is offering a recovery program for students battling addiction. It’s only the second Canadian university to do so. The fact that recovery programs aren’t more accessible for students on campus is a sad reality, especially when universities are breeding grounds...

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Not drinking at one of Canada’s top party schools

On Homecoming of my first year I got drunk for the first and last time. I spent the first two months of school desperate to fit in with my peers and, sporting a tricolour rugby shirt and stumbling down University Avenue, I felt like I finally had.  In my first few weeks at Queen’s, I’d somehow missed...

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“Rethink The Drink” event discusses binge drinking

Stopping at the JDUC on Wednesday to discuss binge drinking on university campuses, the cross-Canadian “Rethink the Drink” tour encouraged students to challenge the drinking culture at Queen’s. The event, run by the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) brought speakers Ann Dowsett...

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Hangover shortcuts lead to the wrong destination

Quick-fix hangover cures only distract from learning how to develop healthy drinking habits. A Manitoba company is touting the all-natural Clear Head, a pill designed to cure symptoms of hangovers. It’s not the first of its kind, but taking a pill before a night of drinking to prevent pain the morning...

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St. Patty’s Day safety in students’ hands

St. Patrick’s Day is often an unexplained, collective agreement between students to drink a lot — but there’s no obligation for their school to be the designated driver.  Wilfrid Laurier University announced that it will be increasing security on campus on St. Patty’s Day, along with banning the sale...

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Cheers to healthier drinking

With the peak drinking season upon us — Homecoming and Halloween are a week apart — our livers aren’t in the best condition.   But it doesn’t have to be that way.  There’s this amazing thing called “balance”, which we students should look for in our academic and social lives. It allows you to engage...

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Address drinking at the root

Breathalyzer tests aren’t the solution to impeding prom drunkenness. A pair of students in Toronto recently took their high school — Northern Secondary School — to court after the school attempted to make breathalyzer tests mandatory for all students attending prom. The duo won the case earlier this...

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Let’s talk binge drinking

The Queen’s community should take a look at the impact of excessive drinking on student health and safety. According to the 2013 National College Health Assessment survey, Queen’s students consume significantly more alcohol than the average Canadian student. Of Queen’s students who consume alcohol,...

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Consult with EngSoc, Faculty

The Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science’s attempts to discourage alcohol-related jacket bars have been poorly executed. The Faculty has implemented two measures to prevent students from attempting the “Beers on the Pier” bar. The first was working with the Kingston Police Force to have...

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Drink or don't: it's your choice

For a first-year teetotaler, abstaining from alcohol was an isolating decision. Going into university as a non-drinker, my high school friends joked that I would have trouble fitting in. Yet I remained optimistic that there would be plenty of others like me at Queen’s, and that my choice to be sober...

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Queen’s cracks down on jacket bars

The Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science is discouraging students from pursuing jacket bars involving alcohol this year, starting with the “Beers on the Pier” challenge. Since the first week of September, Kingston Police Force (KPF) officers have been patrolling the pier near Collingwood St....

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Underground meets tough competition

The Underground has made strides to improve, but students aren’t seeing it, according to AMS Vice-President of Operations Justin Reekie. The Underground competes with a number of downtown nightclubs for student customers. As a non-profit organization, though, its objectives are different — it aims...

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Aberdeen to be cleared

A police camera is currently installed on the corner of Aberdeen and William Streets, ready to be activated for Homecoming weekend. The camera, mounted on a telephone pole, is part of the Kingston Police Force’s (KPF) strategy for keeping the peace on Aberdeen St. during Homecoming, which runs from...

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You’re no Swift, Gazette

Western’s student newspaper showed an incredible lack of judgment in publishing a series of offensive stories last month. In their annual frosh issue, the Western Gazette published articles that encouraged the sexual harassment of teaching assistants, drug use and excessive drinking, causing a wave...

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St. Patrick’s parties drizzled out

This past Monday, the streets were filled with shivering students dressed in green for the celebration of St. Patrick’s Day. Unlike last year, the St. Patrick’s Day festivities didn’t span over a two-day period. During the day, police served 62 open liquor tickets, five tickets for underage drinking,...

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QJScience: A drinking substitute?

It’s probably not hard to imagine spending an evening predrinking with friends, walking downtown to a bar where you continue drinking and then trudging back home at 3 a.m. What might be hard to imagine, however, is waking up the next morning feeling wonderful and even good enough to hit the gym. Well,...

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Wente is wrong, wrecks and rankles

Margaret Wente’s recent column about alcohol and sexual assault had its reasonable moments, but unfortunately, these were overshadowed by the column’s many flaws. Wente argues that the easiest way to attack rape culture on university campuses is to address what she calls “booze culture” and, in particular,...

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Decrease in residence alcohol use after ban

In-residence alcohol violations during Orientation Week have decreased since last year. This comes as the residences alcohol ban continues into its third year. The dry policy, that bans alcohol from residences during Orientation Week, lasts until the first day of classes. According to the department...

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Woolf goes door-to-door asking for self-discipline

Principal Daniel Woolf went door-to-door last Saturday asking students to exercise restraint during the two approaching Homecoming weekends. Woolf knocked on doors along Earl and Aberdeen Streets, and gave out Homecoming pamphlets and newsletters to students who answered their doors. He was accompanied...

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At lagerheads over the drinking age

Tyler Lively, ArtSci ’ 16 Alcohol as a substance is extremely dangerous, and can have devastating effects on the user — and others — when drunk in excess. Despite the possible negative consequences of drinking, there’s no question that we have the right to be able to purchase and consume alcohol at...

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A new home-coming

It’s hard to predict what the homecoming weekends this fall will look like. The annual event is scheduled to return to campus over two separate weekends: Oct. 4-6 and Oct. 18-20. Homecoming had been banned from 2009 until last year due to highly-publicized cases of unruly behaviour. Parties during...

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Smoke signals new drinking trend

When drinking alcohol is no longer enough, students might turn to smoking their drink of choice. Smoking alcohol is a trend that’s gaining popularity among university students as a result of circulating YouTube tutorials claiming to provide a stronger and more immediate intoxication while consuming...

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The cost of faking it

There is little legal risk for underage students who attempt to enter Kingston’s bars with fake identification. The police are rarely contacted when incidents arise. In 2012, there were just three incidents of the Kingston Police Force (KPF) charging individuals under the Liquor License Act for presenting...

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Bottles for change

For every six-pack of beer, 60 cents goes back into the pocket of the bottle collector. It’s a small profit that can require hours of picking before accumulating a few dollars, but for some, it’s a way to make ends meet. Areas surrounding the downtown core are popular for bottle collection, said one...

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Frosh Week alcohol use in review

For the first time, Kingston Police have started collecting statistics regarding student-related incidents during Frosh Week. The information will be gathered in order to determine patterns in student-related occurrences during the school year, said Kingston Police Media Relations Officer Steven Koopman. This...

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The cost of a kegger

This September, scores of first-year students will set out to explore the streets of Kingston. Many of them will drift away from campus and into the Student Ghetto, searching for their first university kegger. Although most first-year students can’t legally drink, keggers have become synonymous with...

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Restricting choices creates more problems

The Byzantine Emperor Leo VI prohibited his subjects from eating blood sausage in the 10th century because he found it “offensive and blasphemous.” Sadly, Leo’s philosophy of enforced public virtue is alive and well today. History has been littered with examples of righteous authorities attempting...

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Alcohol review looks at changing campus bars

The draft for a new Queen’s alcohol policy, which will result in more restrictions for on-campus pubs and residences, will soon be finalized. “Our main concern through this process is that our pubs already operate at a fairly safe level,” said AMS Vice-President of University Affairs Kieran Slobodin. He...

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