Tag: Alcohol

Alfie's looks to boost booze security

Alfie’s is looking to install gates over its bars to prevent theft of alcohol. At last night’s Board of Directors meeting, the decision to install gates was tabled because the meeting didn’t reach quorum. The motion to install the gates came after alcohol was stolen from the nightclub over winter...

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Sanctions go too far

“You have just completed your personalized Alcohol eCHECKUP TO GO! You are a 20-year-old female and you do not belong to a sorority.” That’s what I read on the results of my e-Chug evaluation, a test I’d been required to take after violating alcohol rules in residence earlier this year. In fact, the...

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Ban still not good enough

The decision to extend an alcohol-in-residence ban to Frosh Week 2012 is a discouraging sign from Queen’s administration. A Jan. 31 press release from Queen’s communication announced the decision to extend the ban alongside news that Coroner Roger Skinner aproved of changes to Queen’s alcohol policy. The...

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Res citations increase

Residence officials gave out 63 citations for alcohol use in Frosh Week this year, compared to the 55 handed out during Frosh Week 2010. According to statistics rendered by a Freedom of Information request, “Excessive Consumption of Alcohol” citations dropped from 24 offences during last year’s Frosh...

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Disorder overblown

Research from the University of Missouri suggests that a growing number of students forgo meals during the day in order to save calories for drinking alcohol at night. An Oct. 19 article from the Calgary Herald reported on the apparent trend that has been dubbed “drunkorexia.” According to the study,...

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Beer ads have tangible effect

A recent alcohol advertising campaign by Canadian brand James Ready that uses lawn signs, posters and giveaways is troubling. Campaigns like these point to the need for all Queen’s students to think critically about how advertising influences their health and their decisions related to alcohol. The...

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James Ready campaign targets students

Promotional lawn signs lining Student Ghetto streets this week aren’t for a political candidate. Beer company James Ready’s bid for student support comes with the promise of free food and beer, a message which has school administration concerned about what’s happening outside their disciplinary jurisdiction. Every...

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Ban not enough

A University decision to make residence alcohol-free during this year’s Frosh Week has impacted all first years, even those who are legally able to drink. Assuming that the goal is to keep frosh from drinking, the proposed policy change is inadequate. While it may deter first years from drinking within...

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Policy change to keep alcohol out of residence

A new University policy means alcohol won’t be allowed into residences during Frosh Week, even if the residents are of legal age. Before the change, residence officials only enforced Ontario liquor laws, allowing 19-year-old students to drink in their dorm rooms. University officials said around 92...

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Coroner wants change to alcohol approach

University officials announced plans to conduct an extensive review of campus alcohol policy at a press conference today. The decision stemmed from recommendations made in a coroner’s report. Coroner Roger Skinner investigated two fall-related deaths and recommended that Queen’s look into alcohol...

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