Tag: Animals

My time with Fred and George

George had always been bigger than Fred, and he knew it too, strutting around like the superior older brother.  I once came home to them in a scuffle that finally ended when Fred literally pulled the blanket out from under George, sending him off the bed and onto the ground. George sulked to the corner...

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Foster puppy love

To the time-pressed student at Queen’s, the idea of fostering animals can seem a daunting and burdensome task. But it can also be extremely rewarding. That is, once you master some basic guidelines. The foster program at the Kingston Humane Society places animals in the care of suitable temporary...

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Time to fret over student pets

In last Friday’s issue of the Journal, we published a feature profiling student pet owners, outlining the ups and downs of having a pet in a student household. While there are genuine benefits that come with adopting or fostering an animal companion, the drawbacks are significant, and students should...

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Ghetto pets

Caring for a furry friend isn’t always fun and games if you’re a student. Cats and dogs live an average of 10 years, making adopting a pet a long-term commitment, one that can have consequences for those still in school. The alternative — fostering a pet for a short amount of time — can also be a...

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QJScience: Sperm competition in the animal world

How crazy would it be if right after a man had sex, he just dropped dead? This is the case for many marsupials such as antechinus, who go on a sex frenzy for twelve to fourteen hours and then die immediately after. The cause of death is a cascade of hormones, triggered by high testosterone levels,...

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Life after death

Scattered throughout the Biosciences Complex is a collection of animals caught in time. They’re all preserved skins, mounted on a sculpted shape to retain life-like looks — specimens of the art of taxidermy. And some of them are made by one man, a technician for the department of biology. I meet with...

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You Only Live Once – Zoo Diaries

YOLO Things to do because you only live once. Every month Journal Blogs will be bringing you suggestions on what to do with your summer. This will help you make the most of your summer and get amazing experience that you didn’t even know was available to you! Let’s get started: Ever wonder...

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Safe spaces for animals in need

It’s not uncommon to have a stray cat intercept your path when walking around the student ghetto. “Cat overpopulation is a real crisis,” said Alison Migneault, director of Kingston Animal Rescue (KAR). “There are so many stray cats and so much breeding especially in our community.” According to Migneault,...

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