Tag: app

Students’ Queen’s To Go app hits top 5 trending on Android

After student app Queen’s to Go’s Sept. 11 release, campus resources have never been more portable.   The app was developed by second year CompSci students—Yifei Yin, Faranak Shairifi, Shreyansh Anad, Sammy Moss, and Rithik Bhatia—with the goal of making campus more accessible.   “The application...

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The obsessive reality of HQ

Have you been noticing that every night at 9 p.m. and every weekday at 3 p.m. everyone seems to drop whatever they’re doing to yell at their phone? The reason for this strange new ritual lies in two letters now synonymous with the world’s first live quiz app: HQ. If you’ve somehow...

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Queen’s student launches app to buy and sell home-cooked meals

After eating frozen food constantly during his undergrad, Nick Amaral finally got fed up. From his frustration, Kouzina was born — an app that allows users to buy and sell home-cooked meals.  “Living in Kingston, it’s kind of difficult to get home-cooked meals and so we have very few options,” Amaral,...

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Best iPhone apps for the long commute to your summer job

Every day, so much of our time is wasted on mindlessly waiting around – we don’t even realize how much time we’re misusing. Maybe the 12 minutes spent on the bus in the morning doesn’t seem like a lot, but if you multiply those minutes by the 30 days of all four months of summer, it’s an entire 24-hour...

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A sentimental girl’s guide to 1 Second Everyday

After about a year of trial and error, I have finally gained some skills in documenting my life like the millennial I am. With these tips and tricks, you too can be on your way to a great, sentimental video. Let me be honest though: it wasn’t the smoothest journey to the end of the video. Known as...

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Recent Queen’s grad to launch app aimed to mitigate food waste

When Josh Walters, ArtSci ’17, set out on exchange to Sweden in 2016, he didn’t know he’d be coming back to Queen’s with a big idea.  While out with his friends in Rome late one night, Walters stopped at a pizzeria with the intention to buy a single slice for four euro. Instead, he was offered...

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Students develop app to keep peers politically informed

Politips, a mobile application dreamt up by Queen’s student Pamela Simpson, came out victorious at Tuesday’s Dragon’s Den competition. The event, run by the Queen’s Entrepreneurial Competition (QEC), is a 30-second business pitch competition. Winners receive a prize of $200.  Politips condenses each...

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