Tag: astronaut

Queen’s alumnus to blast off in March

On March 15, Queen’s alum Drew Feustel will take off from Kazakhstan’s Baikonur Cosmodrome aboard a Russian Soyuz spacecraft. Feustel will have a six-month mission on the International Space Station, where he’ll first serve as flight engineer with expedition 55. He’ll then return in August as the...

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Roberta Bondar delivers lecture on human health & space at Queen’s

In 1992, Roberta Bondar became the first Canadian woman to enter space. While the experience was undoubtedly incredible, Bondar told a group of Queen’s students her return to earth wasn’t easy. This Wednesday, Bondar presented her lecture “Beyond Earth — A Cautionary Tale,” at the 33rd annual H. Garfield...

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Four Queen's alumni to receive honorary degrees this fall

This Thursday, the University announced that four honorary degrees will be distributed at convocation ceremonies this fall. Recipients include an engineer, an astronaut, a TV director, and a playwright and actor, all of whom are Queen’s alumni. Carol Ann Budd, Sci ’89, earned her degree in engineering...

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