Tag: Budget

What you need to know about Queen’s new budget

This month, Queen’s Board of Trustees approved the University’s 2018-19 operating budget to tackle faculty recruitment, research and a growing pension solvency deficit. The budget, set out in a multi-year framework, retains many of the central commitments in last year’s operating budget, with some...

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2018 provincial budget focuses on mental health, employment

On Mar. 28, the Ontario provincial government released their 2018 budget which focuses on healthcare, mental health, education and Indigenous issues.    In January of this year, the provincial government invested $465 million into a medicare expansion. OHIP+: Children and Youth Pharmacare, covers...

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Senate recap Mar. 27

The Senate meeting on Mar. 27 touched on a variety of topics, including the upcoming provincial elections, the University’s 2018-19 preliminary budget and an updated Strategic Research Plan. Principal’s report In his oral report, Principal Daniel Woolf addressed the upcoming provincial elections with...

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AMS holds annual corporate general meeting

On Mar. 15, the AMS held their annual corporate general meeting to update students on the state of the corporate side of the AMS. The meeting included various presentations on budgets and risk and ended with the election of four students to the AMS Board of Directors. Board of Directors report On...

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SGPS stripped of $120,000 in new tentative agreement

After a previous collective agreement between the University and Public Service Alliance Canada Local 901 (PSAC) expired in April of 2017, the two sides reached a new tentative agreement on Dec. 20 of that same year.  PSAC Local 901, a union that represents professional graduate students, has been...

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AMS Assembly discusses Bystander Intervention Training

During an unusually short AMS Assembly this Thursday, Vice-President (University Affairs) Carolyn Thompson proposed that everyone in attendance develop a proposal or suggestion regarding their thoughts on Fall Term Break and bring them to the next assembly.  Thompson stressed that they “need some...

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SGPS council meeting highlights internal privacy issues

On September 13, the Society of Graduate and Professional Students (SGPS) held their first council meeting of the academic year. Putting aside recent rumours at the SGPS-affiliated pub, The Grad Club, allegedly jeopardizing SGPS member’s health and dental plans, the SGPS meeting instead focused on...

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Computer Science is here to stay

Take 10 seconds to look around you. What do you see? I bet your smartphone, tablet or laptop are within arm’s reach.  Magical though they may seem, these products are not the result of the supernatural or divine. They’ve mostly originated in the last 20 years thanks to the hard work of people with...

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IT items to be sold at the Campus Bookstore

With the closing of the Campus Computer Store at the end of April, the Campus Bookstore will be expanding their selection of personal IT items.   The University made the announcement in October that they would be closing the store. The Gazette has now reported that personal IT items will be available...

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Smaller courses left behind by newest budget model

Three years ago, students piled into cars headed into a forest north of Kingston for the first run of a course that, financially, shouldn’t exist. Development Studies faculty Dr. Richard Day and Robert Lovelace teach “Re-Indigenizing People and Environments.” As a summer course, it ends an online...

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Queen’s pulls plug on Campus Computer Store

Following a year-by-year trend of financial losses, Queen’s has decided to close its on-campus computer store.  The University reported a growing deficit for the technological retail outlet in its review of ancillary operations during the 2014-15 academic year. Due to its findings, the review recommended...

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Budget cuts divide university

Queen’s custodial staff have continued to cope with layoffs as the University navigates a series of financial woes. In April 2014, 17 Physical Plant Services (PPS) employees were laid off while six more employees had their hours nearly halved. The layoffs meant cleaning in certain areas was reduced,...

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Fashion on a budget

Living on a student budget can be difficult, especially when a new season brings in fashion trends to die for. Some students might think shopping on a slim budget is impossible, but I’m here to debunk that theory. To follow are the best and most affordable shops in Kingston that’ll keep both your...

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Savvy saving on textbooks

Like many university students, I have approximately 40 cents to my name, and textbooks have a price tag that makes my heart skip a beat (or five). Thankfully, I’ve found a way to be sale savvy; I haven’t paid full price for a textbook this year, and I don’t plan on doing so ever again. Below are my...

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It's all about the money

Hi, my name is Chloe, and I’m a shopaholic. Despite my parents’ best efforts and a financial literacy test I took in grade 12, I could be much better at managing my money. It’s not that I don’t know how. I’ve successfully operated my life on a budget before. But it took coming to the brink of financial...

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Eating well on the cheap

You’re broke. Tuition costs and rent payments have bled your bank, and you feel a pang of guilt every time you pull out your debit card. You’ve sold everything you possibly can on “Free & For Sale”, down to the last gently-used mascara. But just because you’re broke doesn’t mean that you can’t...

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Product Dupes

By Trilby Goouch Blogs Editor Product dupes: a university student’s best friend. In case you’re unfamiliar with the term, product dupes, or duplicates, are products that provide the same function as high-end brands but at a fraction of the cost. I scoured makeup blogs, product review websites and...

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QJAdvice: Holiday presents

Dear QJAdvice: The holidays are coming up and I’m at a loss for what to get my girlfriend. Her and I have very different budgets (she likes to spend $100+ on a present, while I have a much smaller budget.) I tried to suggest that we establish a price limit but she was against it. I’m worried...

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Budget concerns restrict research

Due to budget restrictions, the University hasn’t subscribed to every scholarly journal requested by faculty and students. The decision limits research and studies conducted at the University, says Sam Kalb, the scholarly communication services co-ordinator for the Queen’s Library System. During Open...

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Budget breakdown

Over $500 of shaving cream is just one of the interesting line items found on a Frosh Week budget. “In the past we’ve bought out some stores,” Head Gael David Coulson said, adding that it’s used during Frosh Olympics which includes events like human curling. As the largest faculty, Arts and Science...

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University plans to delete deficit by 2013

This fiscal year is projected to be the University’s last in deficit. Queen’s 2011-12 operating budget features a plan to bring the current $14.2 million deficit to zero by April 30, 2013. The budget was approved at a May 6 Board of Trustees meeting. “The Board gave us some very definite instructions...

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Queen's shackled by small budget

A Queen’s official says there are still no concrete plans for development on the former women’s prison, which was purchased by the University in 2007. Queen’s spent $2.8 million to buy the prison facility, which had been vacant for seven years. Anne Browne, associate vice-principal of facilities,...

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