Tag: Cam Yung

Bell renews mental health research funding

On Jan. 24, the atrium of the BioSciences Complex was abuzz. A live band played for numerous attendees dressed in white t-shirts and bright blue toques, there to witness a joint announcement between Queen’s University and Bell Let’s Talk. Queen’s researcher Heather Stuart, a professor of Community...

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Women videotaped speak out about Drunk Times Homecoming video

The Sunday after Homecoming, a video surfaced on YouTube and various Queen’s Facebook groups entitled “Drunk Times with College Girls: Queen’s Homecoming”, featuring a male in his twenties interviewing intoxicated students, particularly women. Questions included “do you have sex on the first date”...

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And a Rector does what?

When Cam Yung talks about policy, he uses his hands. “Policy, in my opinion, is meta,” the Rector said, excitedly pantomiming the scope of his topic. “We may not see the [policy] makes a difference right away but in 5, 10, 15, 20 years from now, it may be one of the greatest changes.” Yung, ArtSci...

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Faculty of Arts and Science cuts credit allotment

At Queen’s, students have historically been allotted 24 units of outside-faculty courses towards their graduation requirements, as well as one elective within the Faculty of Law. A new limit was imposed in April by the Arts and Science Faculty Board. However, a lack of transparency around the change...

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Cam Yung continues the Y(o)ung Rector legacy

Cam Yung had difficulty finding the right words to address his crowd of supporters after current Rector Mike Young announced that he had won the election as the 35th Queen’s Rector. “I want to thank all of you — all of you for everything because this has been amazing,” Yung, ArtSci ’16, yelled over...

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