Tag: Campus Culture

Extending library hours extends expectations

Whether it’s your first year at Queen’s or your last, by now we’ve all likely heard the familiar sound of a student bragging about the hours they spent in the library cramming for an exam or desperately scrawling out a paper that should’ve been done and edited days before. As students, we often wear...

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Context, freedom and diversity in a stratified community

Free speech isn’t a neutral or isolated topic.  As such, a discussion about freedom of speech must be contextualized with a community’s histories and culture.  In an op-ed published in The Journal a couple weeks ago, entitled “Queen’s needs freedom of speech”, the author made the assertion that to...

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Pledge to giving Greek another go

If you ask any student, they’re likely to tell you that sororities and fraternities don’t exist at Queen’s. Very few would say otherwise, unless directly involved.    Greek Life is just not a part of Queen’s life.   For the past 80 years, sororities and fraternities operating in the Kingston area...

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Queen’s needs freedom of speech

Many North American university campuses are witnessing the rise of an alarming culture that endangers free speech by stifling those with nonconformist views. Where a university used to be a marketplace of ideas, a forum to learn by way of boundless inquiry and exposure to contrasting opinions, several...

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This semester, I’ve felt more like a minority than ever

Two years ago, my shoulders didn’t automatically hunch when walking down Union St., my eyes didn’t immediately trail to the ground, and I didn’t feel quite so alone when caught in a group of mostly white Queen’s students. Two years ago, I walked through campus feeling like this place loved me as much...

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Make room for students of colour

As Kofi Annan said, “Education is, quite simply, peace-building by another name.” But what happens when this isn’t the case for people of colour? What happens when the endeavour for a higher education is “whitewashed” and surrounded by a culture of whiteness? As it stands, the reality of Queen’s forces...

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I’m not your racism meter

I know that as a student at Queen’s — a school with a diversity problem — there’d be a risk of facing racism. What I didn’t expect was to be turned into everyone’s token person of colour (POC) friend that they could use as a point of reference. Because I’m Sri Lankan, I’m expected to answer questions...

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A brown face in a white place

Being a woman of colour in a primarily white school like Queen’s is incredibly daunting. When I first received my offer of admission, I was ecstatic. Out of all the schools I applied to, Queen’s was secretly the only one I cared about. When the email popped into my inbox, I cried so much my mom thought...

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Class clings to campus life

On Nov. 7, the Yale Daily News published a feature on socioeconomic class and campus life. The article stated that the “social gulf between students from low-income families and Yale’s predominately upper-middle-class culture is wide”. While class divisions are less strict at Queen’s than at Yale,...

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Making of a mascot

The legend of Boo Hoo the Bear is boundless, and has puzzled university archivists and historians alike. There are many mysteries and discrepancies about the infamous mascot for the Queen’s Golden Gaels football team. One thing that is known, though, is that Boo Hoo the Bear wasn’t always the jovial...

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Sign starts debate on campus sexism

The sign that hung from a house in the Student Ghetto during frosh week which read “Dads: Winter isn’t the only thing coming” was undoubtedly misogynistic and therefore inappropriate. The fact that a group of people thought it would be acceptable to display the sign proves we have a long way to go...

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Change the subject

Students love to commiserate with each other. During midterm season, bumping into a friend automatically means listening to a list of assignments, tests, presentations and commitments. It’s true; it’s a crazy time of year. But don’t assume you’re the only student on campus with a crazy schedule. The...

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Admin should take notes

Halloween served as another promotional opportunity for the James Ready beer brand. Students were offered free pumpkins last week on University Avenue — an initiative that added to a visible James Ready campaign in the Student Ghetto. The beer company has an effective marketing strategy but students...

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James Ready campaign targets students

Promotional lawn signs lining Student Ghetto streets this week aren’t for a political candidate. Beer company James Ready’s bid for student support comes with the promise of free food and beer, a message which has school administration concerned about what’s happening outside their disciplinary jurisdiction. Every...

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Scanners Invasive

In order to attend a fraternity or sorority party at Cornell University, students must have their university student ID cards electronically scanned by iPods at the door of fraternity and sorority parties at Cornell University. Cornell administration implemented the scanners this August. On Oct. 6,...

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