Tag: Canada Post

Federal parties go postal

NDP Jack O’Donnell, ArtSci ’14 The recent announcement that Canada Post will be ending its door-to-door delivery service in urban areas has, to say the least, come as a surprise to many Canadians. To see a Crown corporation as old as the country itself have the axe taken to it is somewhat jarring,...

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QJPolitics: The future of a declining system

Receiving a letter — that isn’t a bill, advertisement or free credit card — is an exhilarating feeling. It’s not old fashioned and it’s much more personal than firing off an email. Yet there’s one better feeling that exists in this world: When you send a letter and it arrives on time. Traditional...

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Outlet closure leads to new fees

With the June 30 closure of campus’s Royal Postal Outlet (RPO), Queen’s ended an 18-year contract with Canada Post—a decision that will lead to new costs for the University. On average, the service has run a $50,000 annual deficit for the past five years. “We asked them to see if they could improve...

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