Tag: Carolyn Thompson

AMS Assembly discusses Bystander Intervention Training

During an unusually short AMS Assembly this Thursday, Vice-President (University Affairs) Carolyn Thompson proposed that everyone in attendance develop a proposal or suggestion regarding their thoughts on Fall Term Break and bring them to the next assembly.  Thompson stressed that they “need some...

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AMS Assembly at City Hall sees OUSA visitors

On Oct 5, the annual Town Hall AMS Assembly was held at City Hall in Kingston. The meeting began with guest speaker, Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA), followed by statements by members, approval of motions, and a short discussion period.  OUSA The Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance...

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AMS Assembly addresses TAPS debacle and workplace harassment

“Dave, Carolyn, and I have learned more about ourselves these last few weeks than we did all summer,” AMS President Tyler Lively said, kicking off this year’s first AMS Assembly on Thursday evening. Following this introduction, he began to address the recent circumstances around the AMS Pub Service...

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AMS Summer in Review

As students flood Queen’s campus for yet another school year, they also fall under the wings of a new AMS student government. However, for President Tyler Lively, Vice President (Operations) Dave Walker and Vice President (University Affairs) Carolyn Thompson, work began in May. On Sept. 13, The Journal...

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