Tag: CEO

ASUS elections team investigating several complaints

After a turbulent few days for the three ASUS executive team candidates, two teams took to Facebook to endorse another team as second choice on the winter elections ballot. One endorsement, which was removed several hours after being posted, alleged threats by a member of the opposing team’s campaign. In...

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Elections Team alters AMS Exec campaign rules

Six days into the AMS Executive races, the Elections Team has received approximately 15 complaints from both teams, with about half meriting “substantial” responsive action.  On Tuesday, Secretariat Miguel Martinez, Chief Returning Officer Rebecca Warrian and Chief Electoral Officer Michael Poirier...

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Exception made for Lockridge prior to final Assembly decision

For AMS Secretariat Miguel Martinez, an unprecedented decision in AMS Assembly was preceded weeks in advance, by a conversation behind office doors. For him, the decision came down to the placement of a comma.  On Jan. 19 in AMS Assembly, a second reading was passed to allow a change to AMS Constitution...

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Eligibility alteration for AMS Speaker divides student leaders

AMS Assembly devolved into heated debate and accusations of personal bias on Dec. 1 when a motion arose that could potentially affect the upcoming January executive elections — namely, the eligibility of AMS Speaker Palmer Lockridge. The argument began with a proposed amendment to Section 2.2.3 of...

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