Tag: citizenship

Confront the closing of Canadian citizenship

The burgeoning Canadian identity is something to be concerned about. In comparison to the political fervour generated by Bill C-51 — the Anti-terrorism Act — Bill C-24 slipped quietly under the radar into legislation on June 20, 2014 and came into effect earlier this year.  Bill C-24 allows dual citizens...

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Citizenship and the niqab

Citizenship ceremonies require open identity Vanessa Walsh, ArtSci ’16 The debate surrounding the niqab goes beyond whether it belongs in Canadian citizenship ceremonies. Arguing women should be prohibited from wearing what they choose to wear, no matter the situation, is an affront to liberty in...

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Niqab ban undermines “tolerance”

Attempts to ban the niqab at Canadian citizenship ceremonies have shed light on the flawed values “multiculturalism” is based on. Prime Minister Stephen Harper has opposed the niqab being worn during these ceremonies, saying they’re not “transparent” and are “rooted in a culture that is anti-women”. Conservative...

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Direct punishment

How far does one go to protect their country? A poll recently commissioned by Conservative MP Devinder Shory, found that eight of 10 people agree that those guilty of treason should lose their Canadian citizenship. The poll was taken to gauge Canadians’ perspectives on the private member bill Shory...

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