Tag: City

‘Town to Gown’: Campus organizers talk community relations

Queen’s students have made national news headlines following two weekends of Homecoming celebrations. The negative attention has put a strain on the relationship between students and Kingston residents—known as town-gown relations. Brian Seo, Sci ’23, commissioner of clubs for the AMS, highlighted...

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In defense of small towns

There are many truths about living in a small town — McDonald’s is far away, I never lock my house, Domino’s doesn’t deliver and nobody ever knows where I’m from.  But some myths about living in the country that impact the way people think about me are outdated, unfounded and need to go.  Nothing...

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Students should cast their vote carefully

Sergio Sismondo and Jamie Swift Gerrymandering means rearranging electoral boundaries so that your team gains an advantage. It’s a time-honoured electoral tactic that came to Kingston last year when seven local politicians tried to redraw electoral district boundaries. It’s this attempt that students...

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Skinhead material resurfaces

Over the past week, flyers promoting the Southern Ontario Skinheads (SOS) have been seen on and around Queen’s campus. The flyers were also seen earlier around Kingston this year in March and May, and the group was seen and videotaped marching down Princess St. This is the first time that these flyers...

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Jina Sushi closed in May due to immigration violations

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) confirmed on June 16 that local restaurant Jina Sushi had violated immigration laws. The CBSA first became aware of the restaurant’s violations due to a tip, said Caroline Desjarlais, CBSA communications officer. The CBSA charged the restaurant and manager...

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Skinhead group returns to town

Members of the Southern Ontario Skinheads visited Kingston in mid-March and again in May, leaving behind a poster in the student housing area. During their March visit, the group videotaped themselves walking up and down Princess St. and chanting white supremacist slogans. Two of the videos, posted...

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Glover backs out

Sydenham District Councillor Bill Glover has announced that he won’t run in the upcoming municipal election. The announcement came Monday in a letter written to campaign supporters. Glover blamed a “right-wing” shift in attitude among Council members as the primary reason to not run. He also criticized...

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Mayor shows support for OMB

Kingston Mayor Mark Gerretsen is asking City Council to lobby the provincial government to expand the Ontario Municipal Board’s (OMB) recent ruling province-wide. Two weeks ago, the OMB ruled to include students in the City’s population tally. The ruling followed a City Council vote to dissolve Sydenham...

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Realignment appeal successful

The AMS, the Sydenham District Association (SDA) and law student Kevin Wiener have successfully appealed City Council’s electoral boundary realignment bylaw. In a decision dated Nov. 6, the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) ruled that City Council “acted unreasonably” in adopting the realignment structure...

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Garbage grind

A City-run waste audit will evaluate if our garbage is, in fact, garbage. The audit, started on Tuesday, aims to evaluate which recyclables end up in the trash. It coincides with Waste Reduction Week. “If it’s garbage, they’re not concerned with it,” John Giles, the City’s solid waste manager, said....

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Survey criticized

Kingston shelter workers are criticizing the methodology of a city-run homelessness survey administered Wednesday night. The survey, which was organized by United Way Kingston and the City of Kingston’s Housing Department, was administered to gather data on homeless demographics in the city, concentrating...

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Team takes top place at global competition

Queen’s Solar Design Team went global at an energy engineering competition held in California last week, placing sixth overall out of 19 international teams as part of Team Ontario. The Queen’s team joined with students from Carleton University and Algonquin College for the competition, the bi-annual...

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Mayor’s tweet sparks criticism

Kingston Mayor Mark Gerretsen is condemning the actions of the four Kingstonians alleged to have assaulted six Queen’s students last week, despite some contention regarding his word choice. The six Queen’s students, who were all male and who identified as Muslim, were assaulted near Patrick and Fraser...

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Group contests city count

The City of Kingston is set to survey homeless people in the downtown core next week, despite strong opposition from local social groups. The census, termed a Point-in-Time (PIT) Count, is part of Kingston’s 10-year Municipal Housing & Homelessness Plan. The census will be conducted every two...

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Bike lanes come to Princess St.

The City of Kingston is set to begin preliminary work on the construction of bike lanes on Princess St. — an initiative many cyclists are gearing up for. The motion to approve a 1.7 km stretch of Princess St., between Bath Rd. and Division St., for new bike lanes was passed at city council with ten...

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Students take on City and province

Queen’s students are fighting back against City Council after its members voted in favour of a bylaw which will realign the city’s electoral districts. The Society of Graduate and Professional Students (SGPS) has teamed up with the AMS and the Sydenham District Association (SDA) to file an appeal...

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Shelter in limbo

The operators of Dawn House, a 10-bed shelter for high-risk women and children, fears the city is pushing for their closure. “We’ve been a real staple in the community,” said Kathy Bauder, chair of the shelter’s board. “If anything [the City] should be looking at expanding us because we’re usually...

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Low economic growth ahead for Kingston

Kingston may “lag behind” most of the province economically, but a Queen’s business professor has forecasted relatively positive conditions for part-time or casual workers who live in the area. Gary Bissonette, assistant professor in the School of Business, presented his projections for the national,...

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City discusses upcoming Princess St. construction

It will be out with the old and in with the new infrastructure this February when the City begins phase two of the Princess St. reconstruction. A meeting was held early Monday morning at the Confederation Hotel to discuss the plans and the concerns of the businesses surrounding the construction area. Phase...

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Proposed casino ignites debate

A proposal to bring a new casino to Kingston has caused some residents to raise concerns over its effects on the city. Proposals to bring a casino to Kingston came in May after the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) devised a new five-year plan that would transfer casino ownership from OLG...

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Williamsville looks to attract students

The upper side of Princess St. may be getting a facelift if developers are quick to act on the City’s recommendations for redevelopment. Under the Williamsville Main Street Study, new transportation and parking infrastructure, more student housing and revitalized commercial spaces were passed by City...

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