Tag: coding

Learning to code decrypts endless advantages

There’s no question coding is a skill worth developing in the 21st century. Whether you’re an artist designing a website or an astronomer observing the galaxy, computer science impacts every discipline.   If I told you I spent my summer at a pathology lab, white coats andmicroscopes might be the first...

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Coding should be available in classrooms, not compulsory

Over the past few decades, coding has gone from an obscure skill to one of the most marketable abilities someone can have their resume.    In an increasingly tech driven world, coding can and will definitely have some pull in the job market for a diverse range of industries. But this doesn’t mean...

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Queen’s grad supporting female programmers in Kingston

When Queen’s graduate Melissa Mangos attended the Canadian Celebration of Women in Computing conference in January 2016, she noticed a lack of initiatives available for female computer programmers in Kingston. To remedy the lack of female involvement, Sudo was born four months later. Launched by Mangos,...

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Knowing the code

A blogs writer for The Telegraph recently wrote a piece criticizing the U.K. government for advocating that computer programming be taught in high schools. The writer dismisses the initiative and labels computer programmers “exceptionally dull weirdo[s].” This ignorant misunderstanding of computing...

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