Tag: comfort food

Queen’s best weird food combinations

University is a time for unleashing your creativity, and the kitchen is no exception. When your fridge is empty, but your stomach is grumbling, you may have to resort to unique methods of feeding yourself. With a student’s budget and plenty of free time, it’s no wonder Queen’s students have invented...

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Have your cookie and eat it too

I’m all for treating yourself, especially when exam season is about to roll around. A little bit of comfort food goes a long way on a bad day. My personal go-to when I have three assignments, two tests and a paper due is to bake. I stress-bake. It’s a problem. I also stress-gym. Less of a problem. Protein...

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Flavourful fall soup

Nothing is more comforting during the long, barren winter than a homemade soup, especially when dealing with an abundance of essays and exams. This soup will warm you up, keep you full and is quick and easy to make. Most importantly, you’ll have plenty of leftovers. This recipe can also be altered...

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Comfort food: Sweet potato ginger soup

When the temperature drops and the sidewalks disappear beneath inches of ice, there is nothing as nice as a warm bowl of soup. The thing is, all the additives in canned soup probably won’t gel with your New Year’s resolution, and making soup from scratch always seemed a bit intimidating. The good...

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Food Photography: Comfort Food Part 2

By Allan Mai (ArtSci ’13) Contributor Some more drool-worthy food photography from our contributor Allan Mai with a focus on comfort food. Enjoy! Check our maifood.wordpress.com for more of Allan’s food photography

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Food Photography: Mac & Cheese

By Allan Mai (ArtSci ’13) Contributor We’ve got more food porn on the menu, this time featuring a delicious homemade mac & cheese. Got your own meal worth sharing? Insta it and tag us @QJBlogs. For more photos, check out Allan’s food blog at maifood.wordpress.com!

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