Tag: computer science

Learning to code decrypts endless advantages

There’s no question coding is a skill worth developing in the 21st century. Whether you’re an artist designing a website or an astronomer observing the galaxy, computer science impacts every discipline.   If I told you I spent my summer at a pathology lab, white coats andmicroscopes might be the first...

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Undergraduate Computer Science research journal launched

Last Friday, the Arts and Science Faculty Society (ASUS) formally launched its new project, called The DATA Journal, establishing a website and creating anticipation for their first issue.  “The DATA Journal is a faculty reviewed research journal focusing in the field of Computer Science and any related...

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Know your Frosh Weeks

Of course you’re excited for your Orientation Week, but how much do you know about the others?   Queen’s runs nine, unique Orientation Weeks that welcome new students each year, frosh or not. Each Orientation Week immerses students in both school and faculty tradition. Led by passionate student volunteers,...

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Computer Science is here to stay

Take 10 seconds to look around you. What do you see? I bet your smartphone, tablet or laptop are within arm’s reach.  Magical though they may seem, these products are not the result of the supernatural or divine. They’ve mostly originated in the last 20 years thanks to the hard work of people with...

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Take the bro out of brogrammers

Technology will always be the future, and women need to learn to be a part of it. The technology industry is a man’s world. The idea that programming should be left to the “experts” has statistically left women in the dust, with 70 per cent of the U.S. technology workforce being made up of men.  Even...

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Computing faces hiring crisis

After a decade without hiring new faculty members, Queen’s School of Computing is nearing a state of crisis.  The School of Computing hasn’t been permitted to hire a new group of professors since 1995, according to Professor Selim Akl, the director of the School of Computing. That year, the department...

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Knowing the code

A blogs writer for The Telegraph recently wrote a piece criticizing the U.K. government for advocating that computer programming be taught in high schools. The writer dismisses the initiative and labels computer programmers “exceptionally dull weirdo[s].” This ignorant misunderstanding of computing...

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