Tag: Culture commentary

A white guy’s take on whitewashing Death Note

As a straight, white male — also arguably known as mainstream media’s favourite demographic — I’ve never had trouble feeling represented. But an upcoming whitewashed series made me stop and think twice about how I might see myself if the imagining was all up to me.  On March 22, Netflix released the...

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A tale as old as time, not quite retold

There’s no disputing that Disney’s 2017 live action Beauty and the Beast is beautifully crafted. The costumes, sets, music and cinematography are so detailed, it’s sometimes difficult to know where to look.  But as the film’s moral itself will tell you, appearances aren’t everything.  Plot-wise, the...

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The Best Netflix Shows to Binge-Watch Based on Your Workload

Binge-watching is one of the greatest joys that life has to offer, however, if you feel you’re floundering to fit in some much-needed TV-time on top of all your homework, or if you have more time than you know what to do with, don’t fear.  For the person with all the time in the world:  Congratulations!...

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Lacing up for the Conservative race

Ever since Stephen Harper’s defeat in the 2015 federal election, the question of who’ll be the most the effective leader for the Conservative Party in the Trudeau era has been on the minds of Canadians on all ends of the political spectrum.   During Harper’s tenure as Prime Minister, he was by far...

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Abstract: The Art of Design

I don’t know about you guys, but sometimes TV can stress me out. I get nervous about who’ll come out on top in Scandal, or who’ll get solitary confinement on Orange Is the New Black, or who’ll survive Game of Thrones — just kidding, no one survives.  Abstract: The Art of Design is the remedy to that...

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Reviewing the Nominees

To conclude my Best Picture journey, I watched the remaining four films, all seemingly on separate ends of the Hollywood spectrum: Hell or High Water, Hacksaw Ridge, Hidden Figures, and Moonlight. Hell or High Water  This is the only Western film in the Best Picture nomination category this year....

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Watching the nominees: La La Land and Fences

My favourite thing about movies is that when you look closely, you can see the combined hopes and fears of the people who made the film. The Academy Awards are a night to celebrate the product of these hopes and fears coming together. This year, leading up to the big event on February 26, I am going...

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You are the company you keep

June 2016 — Trump Tower. A lightning bolt flashes over the New York skyline as a small hand pens a contract. Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, has caused the Republican nominee headache after headache. Trump is at his lowest point in the campaign. A single tear rolls down Lewandowski’s...

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Childhood cartoons uncovered

During an undercover sting operation, contraband is traced back to an infamous gang. An officer looking to make her mark goes undercover to join them, with the intention of taking them down from the inside out. Instead, she finds herself slipping away from her former identity, becoming drunk with...

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When Harry met Meghan

Nothing inspires me to hit the gym more than watching Kourtney Kardashian’s daily Snapchat stories of her breaking a sweat. While I’m not even a huge Kardashian fan, their use of social media is unlike any other.  Originating directly from their hands, it allows me to feel a connection to them that’s...

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