Tag: Dave Walker

Don’t forget to put students first

Looking back at my term as Vice President (Operations) last year, there were countless times where I sat at my desk in the AMS offices and wondered if I was actually bettering anyone’s student experience. This wasn’t because I didn’t believe in the magnitude of influence students can have on each...

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Decision to cancel all TAPS socials for the year reversed

On Dec. 4, the AMS Pub Services (TAPS) ended a tumultuous semester for their service on a high note — with a reversal of a previous AMS Board decision, which cancelled any socials for the year, and what Vice President (Operations) Dave Walker called a “well-deserved” afternoon. Back in September,...

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Special committee to begin AMS service TAPS investigation

In response to the TAPS training week incident labelled as ‘hazing’ that occurred in late August, the TAPS Special Committee tasked with investigating has finalized their terms of reference for conducting its investigation. “Our Special Committee is on schedule to deliver an interim report by the...

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AMS appoints new TAPS head manager following training week incident

After this year’s TAPS training week took a turn for the worse, the pub service’s head manager exited her position, and the AMS was left with the task of finding a suitable replacement. On Monday, the AMS Executive told The Journal that Brandon Kim, ArtSci ’16, (pictured below) will be leaving his...

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AMS Assembly addresses TAPS debacle and workplace harassment

“Dave, Carolyn, and I have learned more about ourselves these last few weeks than we did all summer,” AMS President Tyler Lively said, kicking off this year’s first AMS Assembly on Thursday evening. Following this introduction, he began to address the recent circumstances around the AMS Pub Service...

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TAPS services to be locked for HoCo

For the weeks surrounding Homecoming and Frost Week this year, Queen’s Pub and The Underground will have their doors locked shut, following a hardline decision by the AMS Board of Directors. On Wednesday, the Board called a special meeting to address the “workplace culture” of the AMS Pub Service,...

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AMS Summer in Review

As students flood Queen’s campus for yet another school year, they also fall under the wings of a new AMS student government. However, for President Tyler Lively, Vice President (Operations) Dave Walker and Vice President (University Affairs) Carolyn Thompson, work began in May. On Sept. 13, The Journal...

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Accountability in actions, not just words

Although the AMS is commendable for their willingness to take accountability for the hazing that sent two AMS Pub Services (TAPS) employees to the hospital, the real test of their accountability will be the actions following. Since TAPS falls under his portfolio, AMS Vice President (Operations) Dave...

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