Tag: Design

New installation to be built in Beamish Munro Foyer

This fall, Beamish Munro Hall, commonly known as the ILC, will host a contemporary installation by Toronto-based artist Kwest.  In the early 90s, Kwest began making his mark in the Toronto art scene is original works have painted downtown Toronto for years, bringing life and colour to Queen Street...

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Don’t value efficiency over creativity

Your company is after a new look. But instead of consulting a design firm, you decide to try out a new computer program. Within minutes, your company is presented with a complete redesign pitch, neatly crafted to the meet current trends. So far, automation and smarter technologies have provided us...

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Letter to the editor

Re: “Re-engineering Queen’s” (Oct. 28, 2011). Dear Editors, The “Re-engineering Queen’s” article published in the Journal on Friday, Oct. 28 offers the author’s opinion, but presents no evidence to support his claims. In fact, had Mr. Wesley-James done his research, he would know that Queen’s Faculty...

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Re-engineering Queen's

The spirit of any post-secondary engineering program, Queen’s included, is design-based. We’re told that as engineers, we’ll be required to find creative and innovative solutions to problems and that our education will help us gain the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in the workforce. In...

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