Tag: Discrimination

Journalism, not just Ryerson, has a discrimination problem

An open letter from students alleges the Ryerson School of Journalism fails to properly represent and support BIPOC and LGBTQIA2S+ students. Ryerson should be paying attention—but so should journalism bodies as a whole.   Last weekend, the chairs of Ryerson’s School of Journalism stepped down just...

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Professors shouldn’t face discrimination for their accents

Some professors are better lecturers than others, but whether or not they speak with an accent shouldn’t be a determining factor in that assessment. A recent article in The Eyeopener explored the dynamic between professors who speak with accents and their students at Ryerson University. The article...

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Halted student appeal prompts recommendations for Senate

The appeals of a dismissed Queen’s student have prompted recommendations to fill gaps in University Senate policies after the student’s fourth appeal was halted. According to a written report to Senate, the appeals of an anonymous student have highlighted “inconsistency” between Senate policies governing...

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Conversion therapy for youth needs federal ban

Conversion therapy’s sustained traumatic impact on LGBTQ+ youth has permanent repercussions on their lives and harms their sense of self-worth.    Over 2,500 Canadians have recently signed an online petition pressing the federal government to ban conversion therapy—the practice of trying to counsel...

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Queen’s medical school’s prejudicial past

Although Queen’s was one of the first schools in Canada to accept women into their medical school, they were also the first to systemically expel them. The climate on Queen’s campus was particularly inhospitable to women in the 1880s. According to a 1997 article by the Canadian Medical Association...

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Intolerance of Muslim Canadians isn't new

Discrimination against Muslims within our country is a real problem and Canadians shouldn’t need a survey to believe it. In an attempt to measure the broad acceptance of Muslims in Canada, 1,028 Canadians took part in an online poll commissioned by Think for Actions and Insights Matter. The survey...

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You can be unconsciously racist, McMaster expert says

“Denial of racism is also racism,” McMaster Assistant Professor, Ameil Joseph said.  Commenting on the recent controversial events at Queen’s in an interview with The Journal, Joseph — an expert on cultural appropriation and racism — explained how the language used to describe ‘racism’ has evolved...

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Darts and laurels 2014-15

Darts Admin’s failure to be proactive: The University’s reactive approach to sexual assault, anti-vaccination course material and the inaccessibility of its campus shows a disregard for students’ well-being. It apparently takes public shaming at the national level for Queen’s to take student safety...

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Dismantling the culture of silence: Mental health and race

In November 2012, the Principal’s Commission on Mental Health released its final report with 116 recommendations for a mental health strategy at Queen’s. Of these recommendations, only a small portion (section 3.7: Vulnerable populations) address those who are socially marginalized and have greater...

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Names not treated the same

Those with Anglophone-sounding names are more likely to be granted interviews during the job hunt, according to a recent University of Toronto study. An Oct. 14 article in the Globe and Mail reported on the research that sent out nearly 8,000 fabricated resumes to employers in Toronto, Montreal and...

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Bake sale barely useful

A bake sale at the University of California, Berkeley attempted to make a political point by using racial differences to determine the price of cupcakes. A Maclean’s article from Sept. 25 described the event that had patrons pay different prices according to their race and gender. Prices for baked...

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