Tag: doctor

Everything you need to know about pap smears

Are you a person with a cervix who’s 21 or older and has been sexually active in the past? If you didn’t know already, you’re due for a pap smear. The term ‘pap smear’ may sound strange, but it’s a routine procedure, also called a cervical exam, and avoiding it could mean missing some important warning...

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Prescribed museum visits an easy pill to swallow

For patients in need of comfort, prescriptions for free museum visits could beat the blues of illness. Beginning Nov. 1, Médecins francophones du Canada (MFC) will work with the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts to allow doctors to write prescriptions for free museum visits. This initiative will extend...

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Matt Scribner becomes new SGPS President

After running unopposed, Matthew Scribner won the election for president of the Society of Graduate and Professional Students (SGPS). On March 2, he won with 88.6 per cent of the vote. Scribner, PhD ’12, said he plans to increase access to the SGPS for graduate students. “I’m going to hold office...

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