Tag: Dreams

Dream Interpreter: After the party

I’m Meryl Sleep, Queen’s resident dream interpreter. I analyze dreams in an effort to decode the symbols in each Queen’s student’s subconscious. Today’s dream involves a deck of cards, a current crush, and an elementary school friend. *** The other night, I dreamt I was at a house party. The party...

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Dream Interpreter: Shrunken kids in a Tupperware container

I’m Meryl Sleep, Queen’s resident dream interpreter. I analyze dreams in an effort to decode the symbols in each Queen’s student’s subconscious. Today’s dream involves a discussion about stress, and suggestions on how to cope with those anxious feelings. *** I volunteer on weekends with children at...

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Dream Interpreter: Fleeing from mayonnaise-eating zombies

I’m Meryl Sleep, Queen’s resident dream interpreter. I analyze dreams in an effort to decode the symbols in each Queen’s student’s subconscious. Today’s dream involves mayonnaise, a fancy boarding school, and the zombie apocalypse. *** This is a dream I had years ago, but it still sticks with me today,...

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Dream Interpreter: Life, death, and a pit of lava

I’m Meryl Sleep, Queen’s resident dream interpreter. I analyze dreams in an effort to decode the symbols in each Queen’s student’s subconscious. Today’s dream involves parents and difficult decision-making. *** This is a recurring dream: my parents are standing on individual podiums over a pit of...

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Dream Interpreter: Meeting Jennifer Aniston in a UFO

I’m Meryl Sleep, Queen’s resident dream interpreter. I analyze dreams in an effort to decode the symbols in each Queen’s student’s subconscious. Today’s dream involves allergic reactions, high school reunions, and possible aliens. My dream took place in my high school atrium, where an alumni science...

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Delving into the community of serious dreamers

I’ve always treated my dreams as entertainment. However, after a few weeks of restless and dream-filled sleep last semester, I found myself scouring the internet for theories to interpret my dreams. Some people believe dreams are meaningless, others argue they’re a dialogue between the subconscious...

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Keep on dreaming

I once met Robert Pattinson in a convenience store. He was browsing through a tabloid magazine when we bumped into each other. I don’t remember much except that he was an exceptionally good hugger — it was a long, warm embrace and his soft flannel shirt felt like the world’s most comfortable blanket. Dreams...

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