Tag: Drink

Where to grab a drink this St. Patrick’s Day

While I’m not completely sure what exactly people are celebrating, I know St. Patrick’s Day is one of the best days of the year. You may be venturing over to Aberdeen or you’re one of the poor souls stuck in Stauffer all day. But whoever you are, it’s the one day of the year where green is universally...

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Top six wines under $20

Instead of grimacing at the bitterness of beer or cringing at the thought of vodka, students looking to take the edge off are turning to wine as their drink of choice. Not only is wine associated with the idea of sophistication, but there may also be health benefits that come from drinking red wine...

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Shake up your shake

Have a busy morning ahead? Forget about the coffee and doughnuts (well, maybe not the coffee) and instead try the filling, but healthier option of a smoothie. Smoothies are a thick, smooth drink of fresh fruit pureed with milk, yogurt or ice cream. While this combination often creates delicious concoctions...

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Pedalling to promote local business

Do you dread the trek out into the snow to pick up groceries or crave sushi but can’t bring yourself to change out of your pyjamas? For $4, you no longer have to. Eli Scheinman and his entourage of fellow cyclists will brave the snow for you. As the founder of Spoke and Fork, 27-year-old Scheinman...

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